free music! yay!

Jan 17, 2011 13:13

As a very belated entry to More Joy Day, I want to offer up something that fills me with joy: the music of James Butterworth.

Here's the deal:

1) Check out previews of his available songs.
2) Leave a comment here with the names of 1 or 2 that you would like, along with your email address.
3) I buy you the songs and email them to you!

Simple as that.

As an added bonus, if you're willing to make me some muchly needed icons, I will buy you a bonus song (of my choice). I really need some Community icons, Friday Night Lights (especially of Jess, Tami, Luke, or Coach), Grey's Anatomy icons, a hot Olivia Fringe icon, or some Dexter icons (Deb or Dexter). Thank you!

I'll keep this going until I can't afford any more :-)


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