greensilver: So while individual sections don't even out, the vid as a whole does.
me: Well, that's good. And it doesn't have to be perfectly symmetrical or anything, as long as the flow is good. It sounds like you've got a good hold on it. [That character] just has different kinds of clips. That's okay. You can only work with what you're given
Jen: Right.
me: I feel like I'm working a vidder crisis hotline, hee.
God, we totally need that. 1-800-VID-HELP
Jen: DUDE. I would pay to call in.
It could be 1-900-VID-HELP and I'd still dial. Mostly in June.
me: ahahahaha
Who in the community has a really sexy voice?
Even just as an 800 number, we definitely need
renenet to work the phones. She's awesome.
Jen: She really is. I'll bet
absolutedestiny could sound soothing on a vid help line.
me: OOH yes, with his hot accent. Let's just get hot accent people. I want
buffyann and
millylicious. French accents rule.
Man, I can hear it now. An automated voice: "For tech issues, press 1. For beta, press 2. For chocolate and hugs, press 3."
Jen: say Ian is line 1, who are line 2 and 3?
me: renenet can be line 2.
pipsqueaky can be line 3. Or whoever people go to for that kind of thing. We can have a whole "press # for [name]" thing giving options for a bunch of vidders.
sisabet would definitely work a line.
Jen: I go to
fan_eunice for my chocolate and hugs, mostly, but I can't see her working a hotline.
me: maybe we can set her up in a TARDIS with a screen so as to avoid the whole phone aspect.
We're going to make millions