Mar 03, 2004 09:46
Do i have a cough? No. Do I have a fever? no. Do I have cancer? Not today, although that might be an interesting change of pace. So why am I sick from school again today? Good question. God, do you think you can handle that one becuse hell if I know. Actually, if I were to diagnose myself, I would write myself a perscription for good old crazy pills. What's wrong with her doctor? Well, ma'am, this child has the most pecular of cases. I'm afraid it's acute spring fever and depression, with just a touch of sexual frustration. No, Doc, not that, anything but that! Seriously, I'm pretty depressed. My play is over, I call it my play, how sad is that? And now I havn't a clue of what to do with myself. I just feel like I'm rather unimportant. My mom's worried about me, and whenever she gets worried she gets angry and theres nothing I can really do. She thinks that the play made me sick, that the late rehearsals hurt my "fragile" body and now I'm worried that my parents are going to be keeping me out of plays to keep me from getting sick when the truth is I'm getting sick because I'm not in anything. It's like as soon as I'm done with a show i get smacked in the face with how unimportant my life is compared to their's. I'm jealous of my characters, how sad is that? Anyway, now that it's over I've fallen into this funk. I just don't care about things anymore. And instead of refocusing myself on other things like my recital or my auditin this weekend, I further screw myself over. Crazy pills, anybody? Cause I sure could use some. I hate being at home sick. And all this did was made me feel lower than before. Computers=death, I'm tellin you. Ok, back to my unimportance of trying to work then being discusted by the half-assed result. Excellent.