*Wah Wa-wa-wah-wa-wah-wa-wah-WAH!*

May 05, 2022 23:20

Disclaimer: This is a purely fan-made piece using the world and characters from Ngozi Ukazu’s Check Please!, and is made entirely for enjoyment.  No financial gain has been made in the making of this piece.  All other situations and plot developments are mine.
Summary:  The start of Star Wars Day takes a bit of a turn.

Sixth in the Alone series.
Author’s Note:  Because we all need more Tater and Snowy in our lives.  ‘Tis a fact.  I don’t know anything about hockey, but I do know a little about Star Wars.  I don’t speak Russian or Ukrainian-I can barely manage English!  Possible out-of-characterness and un-beta’d
Constructive criticism and comments are always welcomed
Published: 6 May 2022
Rating:  K+

       That’s the only warning Snowy gets before something large and heavy tosses itself across him, jerking him fully awake.  He flails, swearing in a few different languages.  Tater-the ass-just laughs.
       “Доброе утро, Долгожданная!”  He crows before trying to plant a wet, messy kiss on Snowy’s shoulder.  “It is Star Wars Day!”
       “Why the fuck am I with you again?”  Snowy demands, trying to shove his boyfriend off the bed.
       Tater is undeterred and refuses to budge.  “Because!  Because I am cute and warm and beautiful in your bed.  Plus!  I do fun things with you for Star Wars Day!”  He goes for Snowy’s lips this time and has far more success, seemingly unconcerned with Snowy’s morning breath.
       “Пустувáти,” Snowy mutters with utterly no bite a few moments later.  He tries to hold on to his annoyance, but Tater is a little too good at kissing for Snowy to maintain his aggravation for any significant amount of time.
      Also, it's hard to be mad when Tater is clearly so excited; it feels wrong, like getting angry at children on Christmas for being up early.  Seriously, Tater had started planning for this the moment he’d learned about the day from one of Jack’s friends.  He’s so wound up for this Snowy half expects he’ll pop like a balloon.
       Tater eases back, and his smile is soft and sweet for a moment.  Then it changes into something blinding and electrified.  “Come, Ненаглядный моя!  We have big, fun day ahead!  You must get out of bed so we can get started!”
       “You’re the one who’s keeping me in bed,” Snowy pointed out with way less heat than he should.  “I can’t get up with your stupid fucking ass squashing me.”
       “You love my stupid ass,” Tater says cheerfully, and while that might be one hundred percent true, it doesn’t mean Tater should get away with it.
       So Snowy reaches down to pinch the ass in question, but then Tater rolls his hips slightly, and Snowy finds himself with a handful of said ass and well.  It’s a great ass.  Not that Snowy would ever admit it, but it could be even better than his.
       He tightens his fingers slightly and before Tater’s eyes can finish dilating, he pulls Tater’s head down to his.
       Tater shudders and his mouth opens eagerly for Snowy’s tongue.  This, Snowy thinks, is a much better way to start the day.
       Tater pulls his mouth away before Snowy’s ready to be done.  “Снежныёк,” Tater protests breathlessly.  “Нет.  Star Wars Day.  Fun.”
       “I’m having fun,” Snowy murmurs before licking his way back into Tater’s mouth.
       They kiss hungrily for a few minutes, and Snowy's thinking about hooking his leg around Tater and flipping them both when Tater breaks away and rolls so he's no longer pressed up against Snowy.  His eyes are big and dark, and his lips are slightly swollen, and Snowy has to swallow the proposal he feels on his tongue.
       "Любимый моя," says Tater, clearly trying to sound admonishing and failing miserably at it, "it is Star Wars Day and we have many fun plans!  I have food and it will be gross if we do not go to it soon.  I do not want food I make for you to be gross!"
       The urge to propose gets stronger. 
       He rolls his eyes to give himself a moment to collect himself and to make sure Tater doesn’t think he’s annoyed with him for putting the brakes on things.  “That’s how it’s going to be, eh?”
       Tater smiles, warm and relieved.  “Да, that is how it is going to be.”  He darts forward, pressing his mouth against Snowy’s, and then he's gone.  He pauses by the door.  “Do not be taking too long!”
       “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Snowy grumbles, but he untangles himself from the sheets.  He makes the bed before shuffling off to the bathroom.
       After a quick use of the facilities (and an quick moment to artfully arrange his hair into something that more closely resembled ‘sexy bedhead’ than ‘home for homeless rats’), he pulls on a light robe and makes his way to his table.
       Tater’s found some vinyl placemats that have stormtroopers on them from somewhere, and he’s placed the Lego AT-AT they built last weekend in the centre of the table, like it’s some sort of conversational centrepiece.  There’s some toast with Darth Vader’s face branded on it (Snowy still claims he doesn’t know how he got talked into buy such an ugly toaster, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the utter joy that appeared on Tater’s face when he saw it for the first time), and some lopsided Millennium Falcon waffles sitting on the plates, but Tater isn’t there.
       Snowy frowns.  He glances around and spots Tater standing completely still next to one of the cupboards.  He’s looking at something small in his hand.
       Snowy freezes.  Oh юбати, he knew he should have found a better hiding place!  But Tater never went into that cupboard, so he thought he was safe!  Why is Tater going into that cupboard?
       Fuck.  Snowy knows he shouldn’t have even gotten it in the first place, but he had been walking by that jewellery store, and…he was moving too fast, again.  Fuck, but he is a mess!
       And they haven’t had any conversations about this sort of thing, so he really is pushing too far too fast.  Snowy knows it, okay?  And it isn’t like he got that because he wanted to move things along quite so much!  He just…he feels better knowing he has a plan, okay?  It also helps shut down the little voice in his head that constantly pushes for him to do more faster; it’s way easier to ignore when he can tell himself he’s got the ring at home and not with him, so proposing now wouldn’t work.
       Tater finally moves, but it’s only to look up slowly at Snowy with huge eyes.  His face has an expression on it that Snowy’s never seen before, so he doesn’t know what he needs to say that won’t make things worse.
       “What are you doing?”  Snowy’s voice is a little strangled and panicked.
       “I go for glasses for fancy Star Wars morning cocktail,” says Tater, still with an inscrutable expression.  Slowly, he holds up the small opened box.  “Snowy…what is…why you have…is this what I thinking it is?”
       Snow closes his eyes.  He's fucked this up so bad.  “It’s…I know we haven’t talked about it and it’s too fucking soon, I just-”  What can he say that won’t end with Tater breaking up with him?  “I saw it and…I thought of you.  Us.  Our future.  And…I got ahead of myself.  Which is why it’s in that cupboard.  It’s…I know where I’d like us to end up, and it’s easier for me if I have that, even though I know it’s way too fuckin’-”
       Snowy’s mouth snaps shut as Tater suddenly appears in front of him.  He can feel more of his word vomit pressing against his teeth, but he pushes them back in the hopes he can still salvage things.
       He doesn’t dare to breath as Tater’s fingertips ghost over his morning stubble, or when Tater carefully tilts his face up.  It leaves him in a rush when Tater softly kisses him and only then does he allow himself to hope.
       Tater brushes a few more gentle kisses on to Snowy’s face before he rests his forehead against Snowy’s.  “Are right, Радость моя,” he says quietly in small space between them.  “Is too soon.  But will not be too soon forever and when it is not too soon, I will say 'да'.”
       A shudder ripples through Snowy and he reaches blindly up.  He catches the back of Tater’s head and he pulls Tater in for a much less chaste kiss than Tater had given him just a few moments before.  It’s messy and a little inelegant, but also full of relief and hope; he hasn’t scared Tater off by being too eager; Tater wants the same things he does.
       Tater’s smile is even more blinding than usual when he eases back a few moments later.  “Come, Любимый моя, is time for food.  I have drinks makings to go with breakfast!  You must try!”
       “Yeah?”  Snowy reluctantly steps back, but even without Tater’s heat pressed up against him anymore, he feels like his chest is glowing with happiness and warmth.
       “Yes!  I make Java the Hutt for you!”
       “…Seriously?  Seriously? You’re making me drink something with a pun that terrible?”
       “Is funny!  And because it is Star Wars Day, you cannot ban me from Star Wars for it!”
       Snowy rolls his eyes skywards.  “Why am I with him?”  He asks the ceiling in a long-suffering tone.
       Tater laughs.  “Go sit.  I bring to you!”
       Snowy follows Tater’s instruction and he spends a moment just watching his boyfriend.
       After a moment, he says “hey, Tater.”
       Tater glances over, his eyebrow cocked in question.
       “Я тебе люблю.”
       Tater’s whole face softens, and for a moment, he looks like he’s going to respond in kind.  But then a wicked glint enters his eyes.  “I know.”
   Snowy snorts and rolls his eyes again.  He sort of set himself up for that, but it’s okay.  It makes Tater happy, and honestly, Snowy wouldn’t have it any other way.

x Fin x
Снежныёк-Snowy (affectionate).
Доброе утро, Долгожданная-Good morning, my long-awaited.
Ненаглядный моя-My dear (wondrously beautiful) (masculine).
Любимый моя-My beloved (masculine).
Радость моя-My joy.
Любимый моя-My beloved (masculine).
Я тебе люблю-I love you.

alone series, fic, alexei "tater" mashkov, snowy, check please, fanfiction

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