All Fur Fun

Jan 10, 2010 08:10

Hiya Idafurs! Jari here! I hope everyone’s been having an awesome new year so far!
I just got done talking to the staff of All Fur Fun, Spokane’s furry convention (it’s the nearest con to Idaho!), and they’ve decided NOT to have an All Fur Fun 2010 because they were unable to get a (decent) hotel thanks to the Olympics and Paralympics trials, both of which are in town and have every hotel booked for most of the year. However, they will be having a smaller, one-day event in May with a raffle and an art auction (would anyone like to donate art?), then they’re gonna march in the community parade that evening. More on that later.

They’re also looking for a webmaster to help them get their website up and running so everyone knows what’s going on. They’re trying to expand it so that it can host pictures as well as handle the billing and registration system. It’s a full staff position with all the benefits (free registration, tickets to the GoH dinner, etc.), so if you or someone you know would like to volunteer to be AFF’s webmaster, please let me know!

Hope you all have a great week, and a fantastic 2010!
*cougar hugs and lottsa love*
-Jari, the Patron Cougar of Hugging


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