supershort, typing on handhld (jari+stylus=faail) friend sometimes gets inexplicably sullen. i always think its omething i didd though its prolly not--hard to tell because any attepts to communicate ge angry monosyllabic answers and/or storming off. in short im afraid to talk to him. i bring it up cause maybe you know someone like this.?
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The thing is though If you can't recall making him unhappy, or anyone else doing so you might want to consider the number one reason people get mad at other people when said other person can find nothing they could have done wrong. It's either something small that annoyed them and they didnt say anything but you unknowingly keep doing it day after day and it is driving them bonkers, or they want to tell you something that is weighting on them but they dont like the response they think you will probubly give.
What I do with said persons I know like that is give them lots of space and make sure they know I am not abandoning them just giving them breathing room and wait it out. When they are not in that mood is the time to talk to them about it and find out how you can really help, and what they are really expecting from you when they are in that mood.
Hope that helps
Miss you
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