Jul 09, 2008 23:54
I realized earlier, I haven't ranted in awhile, so allow me a few moments...
On the subject of some late night conversations myself and Bentley have been having over the last few weeks/months, I've come to realize that I've hit the point to where I really hate anime fandom.
Granted I hate most fandoms. I hate the Trek fandoms. I hate the Star Wars fandoms, they've gotten bad enough to the point where it's almost ruined any appeal for the series I once had. I even hate specific author fandoms, up to and including the Terry Brooks fandom, and now, I hate the Anime fandom.
Why you ask? Well the answer to that is simple and complex all at the same time.
I think the biggest problem is the general change of attitude. Back in the fabled day, it seemed like everyone was more or less content with simply finding a common ground. We would all like generally the same stuff, sure we watched different things, but we would come together to discuss, and share cool things with our friends. It was a social thing. Now though, it seems like what was once held as a privilege is demanded. We must have X show, in X manner, in X amount of time. Because of this change of mindset, problems throughout the industry have become rampant and the nicely built house of cards is starting to collapse on itself. Geneon pulled distribution in North America / Europe. ADV is now having problems. Funimation is picking up the slack but frankly I wonder if they won't be stretching themselves too thin.
So of course a blame needs to be placed on someone, somewhere. It's the fansubbers fault for putting high quality shows out to the general internet populace. It's the production companies fault for taking too long on their acquisition and release of shows with bad translation and poor ADR that "does not keep to the spirit of the show." I call bullshit on both of those, but most especially the latter, I always have and always will.
The real problem, lies at the feet of the fans. Mostly those who have an inability to grasp the concept of a consumer based economy model. Comments like, "We deserve and need this for free because we like it," or more infuriating and unfortunately more common, "Why should I pay for something, I can find it on the internet!" Comments and attitudes like these are the true cancer that is killing not just the anime fandom, but games, movies, and the free world in general. Am I guilty of saying these things? Sure, but I'm also intelligent enough to realize and accept fault for being a part of the problem.
So what is the solution? Re-evaluate and change our attitudes. I'm not saying we should all become consumer whores, but what I am saying is that we should carefully decide and where and how we need to spend our money, and in the very least start acting appreciative again. To quote Bill and Ted, "be excellent to each other."
These are just my disjointed thoughts on the matter.