It's been awhile...

Mar 02, 2007 00:30
Here's an interesting article I found linked off of fark.
While on one hand I agree with the general "duh" statement that was prevalant on the forum. I must say that it is a subject not may people consider or really think about. I for one keep this blog mostly open as there really isn't anything too incriminating or degrading about it. But I do question occasionally if the real 'Jarod Cain' from Texas ever gets confused by these people who search things online as here it is simply my handle. Granted I have a great amount of sentiment for the name, it is just that.

Granted this may all pass in one or two generations because by then everyone's information will be stored in some way shape and form online. But for the moment it does raise some poignant personal privacy issues. Because if I can get fired for what I put up here which is honestly for myself and my friends, there is something seriously wrong with our employment standards.
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