Jun 11, 2007 23:30
So today I went to a free Dinosaur Jr. concert. But that isn't the story. The story involves me waiting in line and some rather disheveled looking evangelic. The evangelic is, well, evangelizing and passing out little packets of paper. Most people are politely declining. But I am not most people. No, I am me and that means I say "yeah, sure, I'll take your paper that tells me about God!"
"Let me get something extra-special, just for you," the disheveled evangelic says.
"Ooh, special! Cool!" The amused agnostic says.
"Here you go," the disheveled evangelic says, handing me some papers. Somebody loves me the first packet says. Jesus loves you the second piece says. Was this a hint? Did I look so unloved that I needed that? There were certainly other packets of paper that did not involve reminders that I am loved. It was kind of depressing, in an amusing sort of way. The best part of the story is the packets, though. They are actual, real, physical, bona fide Chick Tracts. That's right! Chick Tracts! I never thought I'd lay my hands on one of these. Unfortunetaly I didn't get the Dark Dungeons one (mine is about a beggar girl who's drunk father beats her) and I didn't think to ask for that one at the time. Oh well. I still have a Chick Tract and the comic value of it is huge.