Jul 27, 2005 19:18
I'm not sure how to start this but here goes nothing. I'll start this off with a bit of insight of where i've been, who I am, and maybe where i'm going...
30+ Years in a Nutshell
I was the kid who you would see riding his bike everyday in your neighborhood. I was the teenager you would see running down those busy streets. I was the teenager who thought that after 30 it was all down hill from there. I was the guy that partied three days a week and found time to play on a soccer team and a basketball team. I was the guy, who at one point, lived a carefree life.
Now I’m the guy who is doing repairs on his house and sees the kid riding his bike in his neighborhood. I’m the guy who is driving down the busy street, late for work, and notices the young teenager taking a morning run. I’m the guy who hopes that his 30’s will be better than his 20’s. I’m the guy who is in bed by 10pm and wonders how the guy in his 20’s can do it all. I’m the guy who worries about his kids, house payments and his career. Times do change.
Jarmen in a Nutshell
I was the guy who had it all figured out. I knew how many kids I was going to have, where my kids would go to school and also knew that I would marry and live happily ever after. But it isn’t quite that simple. There have been obstacles, forks in the road that I could have never foreseen or have been completely ready for.
I love making my girls laugh, creating new memories by taking pictures of them and singing new songs with them. I listen to all types of genres of music with the exception to Country music, although I would really like to learn how to dance to it. My favorite rock band is Linkin Park, hence the icon. They are bad ass. My favorite album is Reanimation by LP. If anyone wants a copy, just send me a holla and I'll hook you up. Sharing is caring. I really like collaborations so I also like the Collision Course cd by lp and jz. Once again bad ass. Some of my favorite movies are The Last Samurai, Saturday Night Fever and 8 Mile. Two phrases I over use are, “See how you are?, and , “What the?” I do my best thought processing in my sleep and I sing in the car as well as in the shower, but I definitely will not be quitting my day job any time soon. I overanalyze everything from the effect of over watering my lawn has on my rock wall to why the hell don’t Americans realize that we have it made and start making a difference in this world. Can't we all just get along!?!?! But I can also be thoughtless at times. Sometimes I forget stuff like that my mom asked to have the girls for a certain day or that my wife wanted me to pick up some tomatoes and a gallon of milk on the way home. I try to help people in need and hope that someone might help me out when I’m in need. I have always lived by rules, but am finally realizing that you can’t always set boundaries, you only limit yourself when you do.
There’s nothing special about my life but lately I have felt compelled to keep a journal for future reference and LJ is a great way to keep in touch with others. During the past year, I’ve come to realize that you don’t have to have everything all figured out. This will only lead to disappointment and possible failure. It’s ok if you figure out some things as you go. So change is going to happen no matter if I like or not. But it’s up to me how change will affect me.