Fully loaded

Aug 10, 2005 20:55

This past weekend was fully loaded…

Friday - I woke up with a slight headache which was a bit odd because I don’t normally get headaches until the evening hours. By the time I arrived at work the pain had increased and I noticed that the pain was originating from my eye, which I had injured on Tuesday so I took some Ibuprofen and the pain started to go away. My eye was really red by now and I started to get worried so I called my doctor and left a message asking if my condition was something I should be worried about. After work, the doctor finally called back as I got home. Since the pain had not returned, I simply thought to myself that if I got a chance, I would pass by the office the next morning. But the renters called that evening, so I had to go and meet them to pick up a portion of the rent. I felt really bad but I felt that I had to give them a notice to evacuate the premises if they did not catch up on their rent by the end of the month. I think they now know the level of urgency that this has gotten to. But hopefully, they can catch up because I really don’t want to kick anyone out on the streets. After that, a friend of mine called me to see if I could go over and fix her AC which was leaking water all over the place so I had to head back by the rental because she lives right across from my rental property. That was a bit awkward to see the renters after I had just given them an eviction notice. It was a fairly easy fix. After that, I figured since I was by myself I thought it would be a good time to go shopping for our volunteer team. At work I had put together a team to raise money to buy supplies for kids that are less fortunate. We ended up gathering some $268 dollars and that’s only my team! I think that is so cool that people can come together and do this kind of work. So anyways, I headed to Wal-mart to buy the supplies and as I was coming out around 9:30pm, the pain just hit me hard. I thought I was going to faint, I couldn’t see straight but I somehow made it home to the other side of the mountain which is a good 30 minute drive. I have never felt so much pain in my life. I seriously thought my eye was going to pop right out because of all the throbbing. But I took 800mg of Ibuprofen and in 30minutes it went away. After that I just ate and went to bed but I decided that I would go see the dr.

Saturday - I woke up feeling really lousy but we had to get ready because my older daughter had her orientation for school and I wanted to try to go to the dr. before we went to that. The doc said that she thought that I would be ok but she wanted to be sure so she set-up an appointment with a specialist for Monday. We headed to the orientation and met my daughter’s teacher. She was really nice and seems to be very strict but that is a good thing. My friend was also there because I had convinced her to enroll her twins because they really have a cool program. They learn three languages - Spanish, English and the choice of Japanese or French. My daughter is taking Japanese and she really loves it there. So after that, Becky wanted to go shopping during tax-free weekend. What a mistake that was! It was insane. I couldn’t find any parking at the mall. I had to drop off my wife and kids and go searching for parking. At the mall we ran into one of my wife’s old/ex-friend. I really wished she would have stayed in touch with her, but she chose to keep in touch with the girl’s ex-boyfriend when the broke up, which we don’t even talk to know so that was a waist. After that we just came home and did a lot of cleaning and then watched some movies.

Sunday - For some reason, I was not feeling very happy on top of having my eye throbbing out of my eye socket so I decided to watch one of my favorite movies - Rudy. It always seems to cheer me up which it did. We had set up to have my niece and nephew hang out with us so my girls could spend some time with them and we were going to take them to the movies. But I wasn’t really feeling well. I really felt like crap so I asked my wife if I could stay home and I would keep my nephew. She got all pissed off saying that I always do this to her and that these were my plans and that I always disappoint the girls. This really set me off and we just got into a huge fight. First of all, its not like I woke up and said to myself “you know what, I think today I’ll feel like crap and have my eye throb to the point of nausea”. I wish I didn’t feel like that but I did. Secondly, its not the end of the world if I don’t go with them to the movies and what the hell was that about me disappointing the girls. I do everything for them, I mean this really hurt me because the list is endless of the things I do for them. So even though I was in pain I decided to go with them and we fought and fought. I just wish just once she thought of someone other than herself. She kept saying that I ruined all of her plans and that I always am getting hurt and that she wants me to stop playing sports. So basically, Sunday really sucked so that night I had to watch two of my other favorite movies, Forest Gump and the Last Samurai so I could feel better, which I did. I love my movies.
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