Jan 20, 2003 18:48
Dogs say woof. Cats say bark. Wind says kelp. Chairs say no. Nice says leper. I say three.
Quote of The Day:
"When children speak of the future, they do not mind the present. Neither are they considering, the time that's already been spent. In order to take a glance at what's to come, those two factors must be taken into consideration." - Steinman P. Booker
A Reflection Upon The Quote:
Perhaps the future will result in the eventual de-evolution of humanity, or maybe the world shall be destroyed as a result of a leaders insanity.
Perhaps the future lies in humans resorting to cloning, or maybe being swallowed by tomorrow's morning.
Perhaps the future for humans equals none, or maybe their sentence here has just begun.
Perhaps the future involves peaceful alien visitors, or maybe the arrival of a race of bloodthirsty killers.
Perhaps the future will result in ultimate unity for all mankind, or maybe we will be leaving the planet behind.
Perhaps the future has all pharmacies controlled by rubuts, or maybe...no wait...that is what awaits us......