Survivors of unwanted pregnancy

Oct 30, 2012 10:08

Every person is here for a reason. To say that God intends every pregnancy is NOT to condone how the pregnancy happened. It amazes me that there are people who argue a mother has the right to kill her child, that it is even responsible for her to do so in certain circumstances. Encouraging any mother to kill her child is an act of compassion? really?? I think that most people take this stance because abortion was once "hidden", what went on in the womb was a bit of a mystery and a secret. But, by now that secret is out and he or she has something to say. If you are a person who supports a woman's right to choose, especially in cases of rape etc., I would love to ask you if you have considered the women who DON'T choose abortion. Are you prepared to look into the eyes of their children as they grow (or even after they're grown) and tell them that you were bound and determined to be sure that their mother, and the mothers of people like them, had the right to see them dead before their first breath? Depending on the circumstance of their conception, are you prepared to tell those people that their mother was irresponsible and did the WRONG thing by giving them life?? It seems to me these people might have something to say about that, and it might not be very different from the people who were aborted - if those who have been killed could have ever voiced an opinion.
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