Dorkbot fun in Bristol this afternoon

Nov 13, 2010 08:23

If you're in Bristol and feeling feckless this afternoon, you might want to come by 100 Stoke's Croft.

Dorkbot and Draw have the use of an empty shop. There will be drawing robots and drawing workshops. In the usual Dorkbot style, some of the robotics is not quite finished, but there's still 4 hours before opening time, so I'm sure it will be fine.

There will be more of the same going on on the 27th - possibly with more working machinery - but I won't be there for that one.

Hours are 12-4, at 100 Stokes Croft, BS1 3RJ. Look for the Jackson Autos sign:,+bristol&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=100+Stokes+Croft,+Bristol,+Avon+BS1+3RJ,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&ei=aCLQTNbCEsf_4Aby9tDsBg&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA&ll=51.462163,-2.587495&spn=0.010548,0.018003&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.463524,-2.589786&panoid=lJCRBd1EczlXrAHKV3FgBw&cbp=12,81.52,,0,5.16
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