Aug 18, 2008 17:59
Time for another one of the Elliott's Live Events party reviews. ]:=8D
Elliott's Summer Celebration was really fun, even though it was shorter than the Spring Gathering. This time there were even more game systems in the arcade room! There were like 4 or 5 PS3's, 2 Wiis, and I think it was 5 arcade machines. I'm talking about those tall things you used to have to put quarters in to play that you don't see much of anymore. It was so cool to be able to play Mortal Kombat 2, 1942, and Off Road on those Arcade Machines. It really brought me back to them good 'ole days. *waves a cane about*
The art room was smaller than at ESG, but hey, there still was Gideon, Spunky, Redic Nomad, Kahmari, Cooner, Moonstalker (although briefly ]:=8P), Painted Dog, and Likeshine were still there this time too. I guess they liked the events so much they've decided to come again too! ]X=8D (Crap, I know there were like 2 or 3 more artists, but I don't think I ever caught there names.)
Late Saturday night, I went down to the pool/jacuzzi area of the hotel for a bit of relaxation and ended up having to explain what furries were to a couple of the curious hotel attendees. It was very amusing.
On Sunday there was the fursuit games, which I accidentally slept through, so I have no idea who won, but I heard it was really awesome. ]:=8P Not long after I got up, most headed over to Wet 'n Wild for a bit of good clean fun. ]:=8P This time we had access to every ride in the park since this time we were there during normal hours. After nom'ing on hotdogs and hamburgers provided by King Elliott and Wet 'n Wild, I proceeded to have fun with Redic, Jynx and I think it was Paradox (I can't believe I'm blanking on who was the fourth in our group ;._.;). And after losing my $12 sunglasses on Disco H20 (and not my contacts like I did on Brain Wash during ESG ]X=8D) I went on The Storm. I have to say, The Storm is BAD ASS.
After much chlorine was absorbed into my system, it was time to head back to the hotel. Once there, everyone hung out until it was time to go home. All in all, much fun was had, despite the casualty of my cheap sunglasses. ]:=8P