
Sep 08, 2011 22:27

Starting October 18th on NTV at midnight.
credit <3 kattunlove

Official. IT'S OFFICIAL.
I'm just crying now. It's so incredible. <333333333333333

Emberek, annyira, de annyira boldog vagyok most, hogy azt elmondani nem tudom. Úristen. Kinek zokoghatok egyet megkönnyebbülten a vállán? Ha tudnátok, hogy mik jártak a fejemben egész nyáron, egy ember tudja is... és most itt van ez, hivatalos, igen, MŰSORUK LESZ, és együtt lesznek benne, nem külön-külön szétszaggatva <3333333333333

Köszönöm, istenkém, köszönöm!
Ez a post még nyitott, mert official hír velük, a többi görcsömet a nagyérdemű élvezheti majd a napokban zároltan x'D
*nem hiszi el, nem megy <3333*


"KAT-TUN To Host New Variety Show

KAT-TUN will host a new variety show on NTV, their first since “Cartoon KAT-TUN” ended in March 2010. The new show is tentatively titled “KAT-TUN no Zettai Manetaku Naru TV” and will have the members of KAT-TUN presenting people “you will want to imitate” and various goods, aiming to create new trends.

It seems that the members will be in charge of different areas based on their interests. For example, Kamenashi Kazuya will cover food and sports-related topics, Tanaka Koki will deal with music and recent hot spots, and Nakamaru Yuichi will handle new products and daily living.

Three guests on the show will determine which members presented something that “you would not want to imitate,” and those members will have to participate in a penalty game, possibly drawing on other recent trends.

Taguchi Junnosuke commented, “Our concerts got postponed this year, and the five of us weren’t able to release an album, so I’m very happy that we are able to work together on something.” KAT-TUN has been a five-member group since last July, when Akanishi Jin officially left to pursue a solo career.

“KAT-TUN no Zettai Manetaku Naru TV” will air on Tuesday nights from 11:58pm to 12:29am, starting on October 18."

credit <3 TokyoGraph

general: news, my precious: kat-tun, my mood: fanbitch

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