Apr 28, 2009 12:41
I say "an", because I'm not willing to bet that it's been the same Animal every time... but we had our first spring sighting of an Objectionable Animal last night.
I was just floating along asleep when I heard some thumping thing from downstairs. I had the fan on, so of course the noise wasn't very distinct, so I mostly didn't care. Then I heard Kendra screaming, and knew she had found an Objectionable Animal again. At least I wasn't scared half out of my wits this time, I know exactly what those bloody-murder sounds are about.
I did not wake up gracefully. It took me a moment to find my robe, and find the kendo sword I use when I go outside to chase off Objectionable Animals. By the time I got downstairs you'd have thought it was butchery happening next to the window. Moose was just howling, throwing herself at the window hard enough to bounce off by a few inches each time!
I turned on the outside light and yanked back the curtains, earning myself an angry hiss from the cat on High Alert, because I was obviously distracting her from her protective duties. She was clawing at the window and screaming to wake the dead... And she really had a reason this time! There was an actual living creature outside of the window for her to be angry and defensive about.
... it was another cat.
Yes, I'm baffled. Kendra has had interactions with other cats, I've watched her be friendly with them before. While she was in the pound and we were picking her out, when we went to visit my in laws... She was downright friendly with the pound cats, and bored/neutral with the family cats. So what the hell is her issue with the Objectionable Animal?
It was just sitting on the patio staring up at her, kind of hunched down a bit as a response to her fury, but really, just sitting there. Maybe she didn't like the look of it, or maybe it smelled bad, I have no idea. I went outside with my jar of coins, shook it at the Objectionable Animal, and it ran away. But Kendra tried to chase it, through the window, with disastrous results.
My little like 6 pound cat tipped over the bookshelf she was sitting on, in her efforts to get at, and beat the ever-loving shit out of, the Objectionable Animal.
So now she's scared, and pissed, and wants back up in the window in the worst way, and I'm trying to get the bookcase set back up, but she wants to use it as a jumping platform. She's stressed, I'm stressed, we're both not happy. I finally grabbed some water and squirted her to get her to back the hell off for 30 seconds so I could fix it. And then she was up in the window, growling and muttering to herself about getting those damn whippersnappers off her lawn...
About an hour later I got her to give up the window obsession and come up to sleep with me. I am so glad that we're moving to a second floor apartment, these Objectionable Animal visits are killin' me.
objectionable animal,