Jul 03, 2009 17:48

I don't really know how much she's joking, but she's at least half serious about moving to England. England I can deal with. England, there's internet and reception and I can hopefully come visit - in a very distant future, lol. Madagascar?

Last night was amazing. Maree, Karla and I went to the BURN Writers something or other where Brisbane-based writers (playwrights, screenwriters, novelists, etc) performed and did readings. Afterwards, we went to the Three Monkeys (we'd had dinner at Bubbles Cafe just off Queen St) for English Breakfast Tea and Mango Juice. Dinner was awesome, actually. After we browsed through Borders, we sat around at Bubbles for an hour after we'd ordered (a Tandoori Chicken Pizza and a Vegetarian Pizza - amounting to $10.60 each) and chatted. We laughed and joked and told tall tales, and Karla got tipsy on a glass of wine.

'I like seeing how I hold myself in public.'
'You're doing quite a good job, actually.'
'Really? Because the room is spinning for me!'

Maree and Karla both agree that I would be a very quiet drunk; and I don't need sugar because I was acting more high than the rest of them, and I was only very mildly caffeinated.

From the BURN Writers presentation, I only have the following quotes to capture the evening:

'the white noise of the world wide web'

'All of me has not been born, and all of me is dead.'

'I am... a writer. I am... -- '
'He is the Walrus!'

'BSBDNE: Book smart, brain dead and no experience.'

'My therapist says I should sleep with you.'
'-- Who IS this?'

'Remember, NO JOKES!'

'Fuck, I'm cold.'

I think it's a given that Maree is awesome by virtue of being awesome. Karla is just amazing, and I realise I'm making these comments out of the blue, but it's true.

And now I have to go because mum calls.
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