*keels over*
Anyone else have something to say?
Edited to add: A few thoughts behind the cut.
Every time they showed the guys shooting, I was perving on their breathing techniques. Thanks a lot, BHD slashers. I will never be able to shoot a gun without getting lightheaded, I'm sure. ;)
For me, Troy's depression was just as touching as Swoff's emotional instability. I felt for both guys, but I *really* felt for Troy, who found out with certainty that he had no future doing the thing he loved, and couldn't even fire the shot they were set to take at the end. His breakdown was riveting. I wish there had been more about how and why he died, though, *especially* since there were clips in the trailers of soldiers at a grave site. That was not in the movie I saw. Damn you, deleted scenes!
Thank you, canon, for supplying the best slash fodder EVER. Nobody can blame us if we make these guys fuck, right? Not when they themselves are yelling "Field fuck!" and humping each other. Jesus god. *Wipes brow* I know the Rangers and D-boys were supposed to have been just as horny in Mogadishu two years later, but obviously Ridley Scott and Sam Mendes (or their writers) have different ideas of what to portray. I was giggling uncontrollably (with the rest of the audience) every time Swoff talked about masturbation, or the field fuck scene, or the shower scene...and that's not to mention all the eye-fucking going on between Troy and Swoff. (On the related topic of explicit material, may I add how much I squirmed--uncomfortably--during the scene where the guy watches his wife get fucked by his neighbor? Wow.)
Troy/Swoff Troy/Swoff Troy/Swoff Troy/Swoff Troy/Swoff *gasps for breath* Is there even the possibility for other pairings? I was too dazzled by the obvious woobie-lovin' going on there.
And lastly, I asked this in comments, but screened the comment so as not to inadvertently spoil: anyone remember the Hemingway quote? I liked it a lot.