Jun 18, 2009 06:30
Melencholy rain for a melencholy day.
I think today is a good day to start back up with my writing. Its been so long since I have been able to even think straight enough to do so, but today is different. Im not sure how to describe it, but it is.
The rain is falling from the sky and the steam from my tea makes it look like a smoke stack, and as I sit here on my porch I can smell the freshness of the earth permiate the world around me. The quiet rain is briken by the cry of a child, making me wish that my porch was on the back of the apartment facing the trees and forest, rather then facing out towards the rest of the apartments. However i also like that I feel as if I am in a community as well. Quite an odd feeling.
I believe that a photo album really set me in this melencholy mood of mine, an old album of years past, and friends that have moved. Sometimes i wish I could just capture those times again, bring everyone back together for one last time. however its easier said then done. We have all moved to opposites sides of the universe it seems, even if some are only an hour or so away. I miss the old times with the "Scooby Gang", my first and closest friends I made in college, nothing out where I moved too can compare with them, the closeness that we achieved, and I feel as if something is missing, and I know that its them.
On to writing, I find myself more and more hating to go to Borders (the local bookstore) because I wander the isles and find myself asking, "why havent I published my work yet?" "why am I wasting time?" but the truth of the matter is, is that my book is too short for almost all the publishers that I have found and researched. Most publishers want 80,000 words or more, whilst my book remains around 50,000.
So here is my delema, do I totally scrap the book and restart? do I try to revamp it so that its longer? or do I try to sell it as a short story instead?
I dont know...
Even as the sky begins to brighten, the day still is covered in the light rain. It'll probably last all day.
oh rain rain, you can stay, untill my mood has turned from gray