What nationality are you?
I ganked this from
amphibian23 's LJ. You can see
the full quiz there - ten yes or no questions for which stereotype you fit most.
You know what a brolly is.
You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell."
Fish and Chips are yummy.
You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
It's football...not soccer.
I don't like beans or mushrooms. I don't eat vegetables, either. But, I love bacon and fried egg sandwiches.
You know a barbie is not a doll.
You love the beach.
Sometimes you swear without realizing.
You're a sports fanatic.
I'm not really a fanatic when it comes to watching sports. I did go to an Aberdeen match once (I'm an adopted Aberdeen fan), and my boyfriend-at-the-time got me a pink Aberdeen hat and scarf. And then when we were walking out of the stadium, some random giant Scot just reached over and petted the top of my head, like "aren't you just adorable, pretending to be a football fan?"
It was one of those things that could have gone either way, but really it was sweet and fun and a nice story.
You have dark hair and dark eye color.
You are under 5'10''
I'm 5'5 and a half. I always thought I was 5'6, till I actually got measured.
You speak spanish or some.
You are dark skinned.
You know what a Puta is.
You talk fast occasionally.
You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
We did Spanish at my school, as our second language. I hated the second year teacher (she'd happily tell the more troublesome girls the names for underwear, but wouldn't tell me what purple was in case it confused me? Wtf?) so all I ever said to her was "lo siento, no se".
You get short tempered.
You know of somebody named Natasha.
You get cold easily.
Rain is fun for you.
You get into contests all the time.
You can easily make do with the cold weather.
To be fair, the Natasha I know is from The Basic Eight, and so probably doesn't count. But running or cycling in the rain is awesome. You overheat less.
You have a bad temper.
You like the color green.
You have been to a st. pattys day party.
You have a family member from Ireland.
You have/had freckles.
I don't tan, I just freckle so much that it looks like it. Which is a bit weird. But, luckily, I don't burn either.
African American
You think President George Walker Bush is racist.
You can dance.
You like rice a lot.
You are good at math.
You have played the piano.
You have family from Asia.
You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
Most people think you're Chinese.
One guy did once mistake me for Chinese because I'm pale, and he knew that I was Asian. He thought Indians were black.
You like bread.
You think German Chocolate is good.
You speak some German.
You know what Schnitzel is.
You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi.
You went to Pre-school.
You're over 5'2
Disney songs in German are awesome. What's fascinating about them is the fact that Disney didn't just translate the English - they rewrote the entire song. So, while in English Meg won't say she's in love, in German she doesn't need a man. And in Turkish, she can't say she's in love.
You say eh.
You know what poutine is.
You speak some french.
Canadian is one of the few places where I can say the name in the correct accent (along with England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales).
You're lazy.
You shop at Wal-mart.
You think this survey is rather biased.
(I mostly shopped at Walmart in Oregon, and I would do it again, simply because I like the book and the film Where the Heart Is.)
So...I'm German! Good to know.