(no subject)

Jan 09, 2011 22:35

Hi.  It's been a busy few months.

This year, it looks like I'll be doing a lot of travelling alone.  For that reason and others, I want to be able to defend myself.  I want to learn a martial art, but I don't know which kind.

What I want is to be able to defend myself, as I said.  I don't want to attack people, or hurt them.  I want to be able to put people on the floor if they attempt to grab me, and give myself time to run away.  I want to be able to extricate myself if someone gets ahold of me.  I'd like the confidence of knowing I can do that.

For that reason, I'm thinking a more defensive art, like akido, would suit me.  However, both my mother and stepfather are akido instructors, so it would be hard to take lessons in the city without running into them or someone who knows them, which I would rather not do.  I don't know much about different kinds of martial arts, so it's hard to know which one to pick.

I'm also thinking that a more generic women's self-defence class might work, since that would more specifically deal with the scenarios I'm thinking of.  I'm not really sure who to ask or where to look.  Any ideas?  I could look for martial arts forums, I guess, but those would generally be focused on just the one art, wouldn't they?

I did some googling but most articles seemed to focus on how to choose a good instructor once you've decided on a martial art.  I did finally find the kind of guide I wanted, though, here.  It looks like jiu jitsu or krav maga would be best.
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