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idiomorph .
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I've bitten my nails since I was tiny. I find it very easy to stop biting them, but I have to keep them short. I can't bear them to be over my fingertips.
2. I must always have some kind of romantic interest, otherwise I get angsty, bored and depressed.
3. I like setting fire to things. Sometimes, I just sit here with a lighter and burn bits of paper, strands of hair, q-tips...
4. I love the way my muscles ache after exercise. The pain is awesome.
5. I can't do just one thing at once. I get very twitchy. Atm, I'm working on Welsh history, and I've got a dvd on, an open book next to me, and I'm waiting on a text. And my crochet scarf.
6. I own about eight pairs of shoes, but I live in two of them, the trainers and the flats. Every so often I get the heels out and try them on, and think about wearing them outside somewhere...then I remember that I can't walk in heels.
7. I like green highlighters best.
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