Sep 12, 2009 12:40
I love LJ because the average age is higher than on a lot of other websites, and people are, for the most part, literate.
Reading my facebook page this morning offered the following;
Everyone is bored.
Everyone wants to get drunk.
Everyone has a child.
Has no one ever heard of hobbies other than getting drunk and having sex? You'll never see me post that I'm bored - my problem is choosing what to do at any given time. I don't understand people who whine about being bored when they're perfectly capable of going out and finding something to amuse themselves with.
As for the children...well, no one in particular really annoys me. It's just that, they're all my age. None of them is older than twenty-one (until next Wednesday, anyway), and all they can talk about is their babies, and how they want to get drunk, and how bored they are. Could they not have saved the babies until they were a bit older, until they'd done more and seen the world?
I used to know a seventeen-year-old couple who were trying for a baby. They didn't even like each other much (I'm basing that on the fact that one of them was the girl who tried to grope me, and they split up about a month later). But, they had a council flat, were on jobseekers, weren't studying, didn't read...what else were they going to do to fill their time?
I like babies. I like making things for them, and I find them fascinating from a distance. I find the whole thing very interesting. But...everyone? All the girls I knew at school are already pushing prams. And I'm not even twenty-two.
Shouldn't we all be bright, sparky young people taking on the world at this point? My goal is to finish my maths degree, so I can finish teacher training, so I can get a few years of experience, so I can wander around Australia and America as a travelling maths teacher. I just don't understand people who have children at seventeen, or eighteen, or even sixteen in one case, and then boast about it all over facebook.