Just a minor update... and still recreating friends list.

Dec 20, 2006 12:51

This is another reminder. If you want to be on my friends list so I actually read about you and keep up with ya... then leave a comment to let me know. If you already have on the prior post I made, then you are still there, and on worries.

That aside.

I don't have much news. I have been sick with a cold or flu or something. It is annoying the heck out of me, and the house is too cold often for me to truly get well as I am battling the chill air as much as I am battling the disease. Hot temperatures I can handle so much better. I complain about it being hot still, but when I get a choicse of hot or cold... I will take hot and sweaty anytime! Least I can get naked!!! :P

In other news... I have a new job. It is just for the holiday seasons until I am back in school. So till mid January at the most. I work for Macy's as a "recovery" person. Basically I clean up the store and refold clothes and what not. People make a mess... I tidy. Nifty. I hope it is somewhat an enjoyable job for the short time it will last.

I also finally stopped procrastinating, and signed up for all the classes I need for spring semester ASU. Not the times I wouldhave prefered, but such is the price of procrastination. (Which I do sooooo well!) 14 credit hours I believe. 4 classes. One Calc (which I know I will need help with), two econmics classes, and one Music history class. Two are to replace old grades, and bring up my not so happy GPA... the other two are going toward the major itself so I am making some progress. As I have said before... I cannot fail. This is probably my last chance to try to succeed in this. So struggle I shall... succeed... I must.

But enough Yoda stuff...

My friend Stephen and Cristina have found a place to live. It is an apartment again, and not a house as they had hoped. Yet this will give a place to stay as they work on the goal of having a real home to call their own instead of just another apartment. Prolly take them about a year to clean up their credit enough to succeed in that goal... but goals are good. They give you something to fight for.

Sheri is still having altercations with her married life. I feel like such a sidelines fan kinda cheering her on. Caught between bias and what I want, and knowing what the right thing is and hoping she can fix her marriage. As she is oft apt to say... what shall be, shall be. I hope she is happy no matter the case. All I ever want for people I care about is that they can find happiness.

I am kinda expanding my interest in World of Warcraft a bit. City of Heroes is just not growing and changing fast enough for me to maintain interest in it like the rapid fan I am. I am hardly going to leave City of Heroes behind, but I may not quite play it so much. I still more play WoW when I am over at Stephens/Cristina's place. Then I have someone to team with... which is what I want out of such online games. I want to play a game with people, and not by myself. We shall see how that goes I guess. My ever favorite night elf druid Dumehnau is still growing. She is about nearly the same level on the new server as she is on the old. (Thorien Brother is new, and Ice Crown is old) I have also started up a humann warlock. I lacked any desire to be original with the name... and so I called him... Jeremym. Literally Jeremy M. all run together an lowercase. I kinda tried to make him look like me as well, but that is far from simple on WoW. Not as flexible as COH for character generation of appearance. I also have been in the habit of making a server LiveJournal channel in the event I run into any other LJ people on the servers I am on. So far I am the only one, but that is ok.

My last... little... common... complaint...
I am so tired of being alone. I don't quite know how still to change this fact besides getting out when I can so I can meet other people. I am still too quiet. More the watcher than the doer. Not able to be myself till I am completely comfortable, and by which time everyone has decided they don't want to know me anyways if I am so aloof. To which I can only envy gregarious peoples. Ah well. Every dog has his day, they say. I guess I can do what I have done so far... and wait... and see...

Loves and hugs to all my friends, and I hope you are all doing well!

x Jeremy M.

december 20, 20, 2006, december, day: wednesday, friends list

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