(no subject)

Aug 23, 2003 17:40

jaredthegreat's 50 Biggest Stalkers:

1: roohoo, 2: inocentilusion, 3: mistress_roboto, 4: masquerading, 5: yequalsfofx, 6:
sixdollaburger, 7: katwoman666, 8: pixievixen666, 9: _breckin_, 10: stereotypeboy,
11: johnniebendover, 12: innocent_crime, 13: freshlikesalsa, 14: __explosion, 15:
good_byetoyou, 16: juicyjaszeh, 17: clayaiken, 18: bluedyce, 19: jewspaniol, 20:
underage_, 21: xxmallory, 22: mrewo, 23: dreamngareality, 24: monkeyinthebush, 25:
starinatdasun, 26: dontfalldownnow, 27: icmplicatethngs, 28: armyangel, 29:
crimsonstardust, 30: draco_hermione, 31: ficfromthequill, 32: qotd_movie, 33: sehnsucht,
34: vampchronicles, 35: vampirextears, 36: zozo, 37: xlovexspellx, 38: shibbyrhcp, 39:
redxlipstick, 40: _dellamore, 41: cillian_fiends, 42: cillian_murphy, 43: fab_5, 44:
harry_and_ron, 45: memorymnemosyne, 46: mrbalikbayanbox, 47: queer_eye, 48:
queereye, 49: queereyejai, 50: ramen_buddha

and I thought I was the only one who read my LJ...∞
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