I figured I should answer some unanswered questions from my recent entries. I know you've all been refreshing your pages constantly for the past few weeks, trying to get the low down on my life. Don't worry, your wait is over.
In reverse chronological order:
Illinois in the Final Four: So, as you all probably know, Illinois lost in the title game to North Carolina. Disappointing, yes, but it's hard to complain about the greatest season in Illinois basketball history. And they'll be back; this can only help recruiting. At least it wasn't Duke.
Letting God Decide: The coin flip method won in a landslide. And by a landslide, of course, I mean that this was the least awful method.
God must not really follow college basketball. Second place, Uno deck, third place, Rock, Paper, Scissors, fourth place, The Love Calculator. Which is really disappointing, actually, because I was looking forward to letting The Love Calculator, and
God, make my decisions for me. Also, we haven't yet made the switch over from paper, rock, scissors to the coin flip. Just tonight, God decided that Robert shouldn't be allowed to watch
Ghost, and that I should watch West Wing instead.
Wine Night: Tomorrow is Thursday, and Thursday is Wine Night, therefore tomorrow is Wine Night. Hope to see you there. This week we're focusing on wines from South America.
Crime in Hyde Park: Unfortunately, this problem only seems to be getting worse. This weekend I told my dad about the shooting at CVS, and the next day he presented me with an article he'd clipped from the Chicago Tribune for me. Apparently, there have been 40 attacks in Hyde Park since January 31st. Not muggings, physical attacks. In all but two of them, the victims were men. My theory about being safer than a woman in this neighborhood is out the window. PLUS, on Thursday, after last week's Wine Night, we apparently had an unwelcome visitor on our porch. I was down in Champaign, but I heard the story from key witnesses Robert, Johanna, and Fazekar. So the police visited our apartment twice that night, and only one of the times to yell at us. We've got the newly installed lock and the ladder the guy used to climb up to our porch to prove it. Man, I can't wait to move to the North Side, even if my street cred takes a bit of a hit.
Now I need to go watch Deadwood On Demand, you cocksuckers.
Edit: Just to clarify, the above use of "cocksuckers" was not directed at anyone in particular, nor was I using it in anger. Instead, I was simply referencing the sometimes excessive use of the word on the show Deadwood.