Title: 101 Different Uses for an Alpaca (on the set of Supernatural)
zempasuchilRating: PG
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairings and characters: Jared/Misha if you squint (pre-pre slash?), Jensen, Sebastian
Warnings: Minor reference to The French Mistake, Sebastian portrayed as somewhat of an ass
Word Count: ~2900
Summary: Alpaca prank war, Mishalecki-style
Notes: Written for
zempasuchil and the
jaredmisha Mishalecki-palooza fanworks exchange. Loose, loose, loose interpretation of the two prompts: "basically what goes on on set. can be as sexy as you want" and "Misha and Jared take care of an alpaca." It isn't terribly slashy but I hope you enjoy the lulz. I am so, so, so sorry it's late!
Disclaimer: This may have happened. But I doubt it.
Like most of their prank wars, this one started off small enough...)