Title: A Thousand Words on My Tongue
Genre: CWRPS, Jared/Misha AU
Rating: NC-17
Words Count: ~3900
Warnings: Yes, there is sex in this NC-17 fic. It's shocking, I know.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. No disrespect is intended toward the real people whose images I have appropriated for this story.
A/N: This was written for
jaredmisha's Mishaleckipalooza as a gift for
amindaya, who requested Misha is a college student taking a life drawing class. Jared is the nude model. Pretty, pretty please. I changed it just a little because the college aspect is a little too similar to a J2 ficlet I wrote for Blindfold awhile ago. (It is, frankly, still awfully similar in premise to that ficlet, but I did the best I could in making all of the other aspects different, and hell, there can never be too many fics about Jared the nude model, right?) Anyway, I hope you enjoy it,
Super huge thanks to
ebcdic for an AWESOME beta, and also to my twitter feed, which made some very helpful suggestions when I got stuck, especially to
epicycles and
Sebastian Roche's twitter was also inspirational.
Misha likes to draw. He’s always liked to draw, and he’s pretty good at it.