Title: Ghosts of Seasons Past. Part One
Zenamydog Rating: PG 13
Fandom: Supernatural/Real
Characters/Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Warnings: Nope none, apart from its J2. *grins*
Beta: Formally
jdSamson Now just my best friend!
Disclaimer: Not Real Folks!
AN: April 2012 was the last time I wrote a story, I am hoping I still have it, so please be kind.
Summary: Set just after the filming of the iconic 300th episode and before the official announcement of a 15th season.
Jeff wants to hang around for a few days and so all 3 J’s hire a cabin in the woods. They get into a bar fight, Jared gets lost in the woods and Jared and Jensen need to work out how their past feelings are effecting them now. If they don’t, there may not be a season 15.