J2 Misery AU, rated M

Oct 17, 2014 13:29

title: J2 Misery AU
author: thursdaysisters
rated: M for violence, bondage, and dubcon
pairing: j2
word count: 800
Summary: For chomaisky's Trick or Treat prompt :D If you've never read Stephen King's Misery, the writer loses the 'e' key on his typewriter halfway through and has to write them in by hand.

Jared crumpled the paper and tossed it in the fireplace. "That's not how the story ends."

Jensen shrank against the headboard. A helicopter flew over the house, but it had already been two weeks since the car crash. No one was coming for him. "But Misery lives. She finds herself, I thought that's what you wanted."

"She should be with Claudio. They're soulmates."

Jared had ziptied Jensen's ankles to the bedposts after his last escape attempt, and he pushed back the sheets to trace the bandaging. "You heal fast."

"Yeah, well..." said Jensen, managing a wary smile. He'd barely been conscious when Jared carried him to safety, wind snapping his long hair, the smell of sweat and shaving soap as Jensen pressed his face to Jared's warm neck...

"So have you thought about your next draft?"

Jensen's smile froze. "That was the draft."

"No it wasn't. Misery would never do that. Your readers would hate it."

"Well I don't write for them, I write for me."

Something flashed in Jared's eyes, and a hot spike ran up Jensen's leg as strong fingers found a pocket of flesh between the stitches and twisted. Jared's face contorted, the cords standing in his muscled arm.

"Misery...would never...leave him."

Jensen screamed, beating the bed as if the pain were something he could frighten away, as if it weren't a part of him forever now. Then Jared lifted his hand and the pain sank to a dull throb.

"Misery spent ten years waiting for Claudio to come home. You don't forget your first love," he said, cupping Jensen's cheek, "Don't you want her to be happy?"

Fear turned to curiosity with Jared this close, cotton shirt stretched across his broad chest, a strip of tanned skin peaking over the top of his jeans as he bent over the bed. Jensen turned away, but Jared held his face, tenderly, searching his eyes. "Do you know what's like to spend a winter out here, alone? It's cold," he said, his hand slipping under the sheet toward Jensen's belly, "It's so cold you wanna die."

Jared toyed with the elastic of Jensen's pants. "You wanna hear my ideas for the ending?"

Jensen nodded quietly, and then made some noise in the back of his throat as Jared's finger found the wet spot where his cock leaked through his boxers. Outside the snow fell thick and fast, obscuring the road, and later when Jared cut the zipties and undressed and climbed onto Jensen's aching cock with all his old drafts burning in the fireplace behind him, Jensen no longer thought of the word 'outside'. He no longer thought of much that night.

Jensen stared at the cieling, warm for the first time in ages as Jared began to narrate.

"Claudio clutched her hand..."

rating: nc17, warning: dub con

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