Fic: The Adventures of Kangaroo Jack and his Trusty Sidekick Lemonhead [Edited]

Sep 01, 2012 21:03

Title: The Adventures of Kangaroo Jack and his Trusty Sidekick Lemonhead

Pairing: Jared/Jensen

Rating: PG

Summary: Long, long summer when the hair sticks to the back of his neck and the cotton of his T-shirt feels like it's been painted on, and all Jared is doing is waiting for Jensen. The whole world is waiting for Jensen to get a fucking clue, but maybe he already has. Maybe that's what all this sleeping around is about. Non AU.

Beta Credits: To bigj52, who rocks like whoa and don't you forget it. 
Disclaimer: Not true. Just me running my mouth even more than usual.

Notes: This has hints of meta strewn all over the place, and is almost canon, except, you know, not.

rating: pg

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