Something Real, Jensen/Jared, NC-17, 15/15

Dec 02, 2011 20:15

Title: Something Real 15/15
Author name: alienat 
Pairing: Jensen/Jared, Jensen/OMC, Jared/Sandy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,949
Beta: rhondeez, tan_kat, steelknight 
Warnings/Spoilers: rps, language, angst, schmoop
Disclaimer: Nope, not true. J2 and all the others mentioned belong to themselves.
Summary: Jensen has it all; a great job, a loving boyfriend, an amazing family. Then he wakes up to find out that it’s all been a dream.
Author’s notes: All the art is made by my sweet amysticka.
Author’s notes 2:This was inspired by LJ writer’s block and the question ‘What would you do if you woke up surrounded by doctors who tell you that you’ve been part of a medical experiment and your whole life has been a dream?’. The idea kinda ran away with me. Comments are love.

Previous Chapters: Masterpost

Chapter 15

rating: nc17, author: alienat

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