when i was a boy: j2: jensen/jared: prologue #1

May 09, 2011 18:10

Fic: When I Was a Boy
This Part: Prologue 01: Jared at 13
Fandom: [RPS] Real Person Slash
Pairing / Characters: J2: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki + mentions of family and Chad
Prompt: from spnkink_meme  here
Rating: PG this part
Contains: implications, unrequited!love, possessive!Jared, baby-sitter!Jensen
Word Count: 3,750~
Overall Fic Summary: Jared Padalecki is an only child and his parents are hardly around. Jensen is his baby-sitter, who has become somewhat a part of the family and his big brother and best friend rolled into one. Jared loves Jensen more than anything in the world. One day he sees Jensen with his much older boyfriend and is deeply hurt because of it, although he doesn't realise why. His friend Chad advises him to move on, so he goes away to basketball camp every summer. This progresses to hard training and eventually, he completely cuts Jensen from his life. Only Jensen won't take no for an answer. Jared is still his responsibility, whether he grows up or not.
Disclaimer: AU - but still not claiming it happened. :P


rating: pg, pairing: gen

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