[x02] slash, one animal cute and one GEN

Mar 22, 2011 11:47

Title: Of Men and Twizzlers
Author: Mina
Prompt: here @ spnkink_meme - requested by nanoks 
Fandom: [RPS] Real Person Slash
Pairing / Characters: [J2] Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki 
Rating: T+
Warnings: slash - boy-kissing and implications, twizzler abuse :P 
Word Count: 1,380
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with J2, much to my dismay and this did NOT happen, nor am I claiming it did. I can only dream. >3
Summary: Jensen has a long-running love/hate relationship with a certain candy Jared loves to death.


Title: Home
Author: Mina
Prompt: here @ spnkink_meme - request was anonymous
Fandom: [RPS] Real Person Slash - but as animals
Pairing / Characters: [J2] kitty!Jensen / puppy!Jared
Rating: G+
Warnings: fluffy schmoop, slight angst by previous abandonment / death
Word Count: 1,865
Disclaimer: I do not own J2, nor this idea, just these words. I don’t even own a cat or a puppy. *sob*
Summary: Street-wise Jensen the alley-cat, doesn’t need anyone. Not since he had to strike out on his own after his father’s death. But when he meets an abandoned puppy, he sees his past self. And he can’t turn his back on that.
A/N: okay, never written anything like this before, so I hope I did it right. Listened to Billy Joel’s Why Should I Worry from Oliver and Company as I wrote. :D


Title: Shallow
Author: Mina
Prompt: #05 Memory @ 5_sense 
Fandom: [RPS] Real Person Slash
Pairing / Characters: [J2] Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing, boy-kissing
Word Count: 598
Disclaimer: I do not have any connection to J2, sadly. No, this did not happen, but I can dream. >3
Summary: Jensen doesn’t want Jared watching Smallville in front of him.
A/N: This just randomly came to me and I decided to go with it. The question mentioned was asked by a fan: who could take Dean Winchester on?


Title: Live, Laugh, Love
Author: Mina
Prompt: #04 Laughter @ 5_sense 
Fandom: [RPF] Real Person Fiction
Pairing / Characters: [J2] Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki
Rating: G
Warnings: none - friendship!fic
Word Count: 442
Disclaimer: I do not have any connection to J2, sadly.
Summary: Jared messes up on a take in S6x14: Mannequin 3: The Reckoning.
A/N: Inspired by this pic. I liked it so much I made an icon of it, so if you snag, please credit me? ^_^


Thank you, everyone who reads. I'd love feedback. :D

CROSS-POSTED, so sorry for spammed f-lists.

rating: pg13, pairing: gen, rating: g

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