Feb 19, 2009 00:04
I had this really weird dream about this girl that I have always liked & admired as long as I can remember, but haven't really spoken to since high school got out. I mean I've seen her once, but that was for an excess of 3 minutes. I'm not going to go into the details of the dream, but I really liked it. It really made me miss the person and wish I would have pursued something when I had the chance. It wouldn't have even mattered if anything had become of it, just the closure of knowing what could have been positive or negative. I feel like some sappy poet.
To completely change the subject without taking the time to muster up an appropriate segue, I really like my classes this semester. Psychology of Personality seems like bunk science, and it probably is, but the quizzes and tests are all online. I hate every single person in Human Geography except Jeremy Becker and JJ, and the class is very hard, but I am learning a little. I found out today that whenever my English professor is looking at my side of the room he is actually staring at me. I love Philosophy, it really makes me think and try to better myself by trying to experience some of the concepts in my own life. Art appreciation is basically art history, and I like art, so I like the class. And, finally political science is a cool class. I am consistently amazed at how long that guy can talk, and I really think that my professor is a hippy that sold out. I say that because he always refers to people a "Cat." For example, "This cat George Washington chopped down a cherry tree...." Washed up Hippy.
Work is work. Management is stupid, the employees are stupid, the customers are stupid. I get alot of hours and make decent money, and the management likes me, except when I'm with Aaron. Aaron gets me in trouble alot, but he might not even be working there soon since he might get his security job guard. Aaron not working there wouldn't really affect me that much since we don't work together ever.
Well I am going to crash, I hope tomorrow is a good day!