On upheavals

Jan 12, 2015 12:06

If there’s anything the last 9 months have had in common as a theme, is that life’s greatest consistency is its inconsistency.

While it has certainly kept me busy enough, it is going to be nothing compared to what’s up ahead.

If you told me last year I was going to be moving to Germany before the next financial year began, I would have believed you. It was on the cards.

That I would be leaving my job in Cubic before the second anniversary? I would have taken it in stride. It is a low-paying, glass-ceilinged role that tried to exploit me further than it already was. I joined for future benefits, and not the present pain, so strengthening my resume is a mission accomplished. That the upper management are panicking about my departure is pretty much music to my ears.

That this year’s ski trip managed to pack out a chalet with 24 members? Would have been impressed, considering the largest group previously was 9.

That our 3rd anniversary cruise in September would be the launching point of the next phase of my life, when our little one was conceived? Definitely not. The gravity of that one’s still yet to sink in, I fear. The happiness? From moment one.

That all of this is going to come to a head in about 6 weeks’ time? Totally consistent with me in that I bite off more than I can chew, and spend a long time chewing it; trying to swallow it.

That my life is going to change in the most fundamental way since I left the Philippines 22 years ago? Preparing to be with a family that Sarah and I created for our own? Nothing can keep me from that plane.

How my outlook towards change has, er, changed. I was terrified of leaving for the unknown.

There is so much yet to do.


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