The Winchester Effect

May 26, 2011 00:01

Title: The Winchester Effect
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam, Dean, Adam, OFCs
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Gen, Humor
Spoilers: Set after Season 5. General for aired episodes.
Summary: Adam’s hunting with his brothers after Hell, and discovers that the job has more perks than just guns and heroics. Some are better than others.

The Winchester Effect

It’s a few months into his new life of being a hunter with his brothers that Adam discovers the “perks” Dean had been hinting at. They are hunting a rugaru in Cincinnati and Adam saves the college student it was about to eat just in the knick of time, as they say. He burns the monster down.

Julie’s close to his age, and he’s not sure if it’s just the adrenaline or something else, but she’s incredibly grateful to him and not shy about showing it. He wraps his arms around her shivering form in the backseat as they take her home.

The Impala stops in front of her apartment, and Dean casually suggests Adam escort her inside, to make sure she’s all right. Sam agrees, smirking for some reason, and just motions for him to go.

“We’ll wait out here. Go on.”

Adam walks her to the door, and she fumbles with the key for a moment before getting it open. She hesitates and looks back at him. “My roommates visiting her parents, can you come in a minute? I’m a little….”

“Sure,” Adam nods. He knows she’s shaken up. She came within a few seconds of being eaten alive, after all, and he knows exactly what that feels like. Adam follows her inside, and walks through all four rooms, making sure the windows are all locked and she’s alone.

“Thank you, so much…for everything,” Julie sighs as they reach the front door.

Adam stumbles over the right thing to say. He wants to comfort and reassure her, but all in a day’s work, ma’am is too stupid and you’ll be fine seems trite. As he opens his mouth to just wing it, though, she all but leaps at him.

For a split second, he thinks he should reach for his .45, but as Julie’s lips slam into his and her tongue starts giving him a dental checkup, the rest of his body catches up. He releases the handgun and squeezes her shoulders with his hands, sliding them up and down her arms as they kiss.

Her hands find their way up under his layers of shirts, and her fingers brush over his nipples. Adam’s hands are cupping her face, weaving into her long, brunette locks.

“I’ve never seen anyone so strong,” she breathes, hands sliding down his flat stomach. “The way you pulled that monster off of me….”

Adam’s mind is still searching for the appropriate heroic response when she pulls away slightly, and her hands swiftly unbuckle his belt and the button of his jeans. He abandons the search for words.

His jeans are yanked down around his knees, and Julie’s breath is warming the front of his underwear as she mouths his package. Her hands are caressing his lean, strong thigh muscles-thank you Sam for all those workouts-and Adam’s very, very happy he wore briefs today, because he’s gone from zero to raging hard on in about two seconds, and the feeling of Julie’s fingertips slipping beneath the tight hems is pushing him to the edge and the white fabric is the only thing containing him.

All thought of adrenaline and the right words and modesty flees from his brain when her lips close on his cock. Before he can so much as moan approvingly, she’s deep throating him, and all Adam can do is hold on to the door behind him, knuckles white with strain.

He would be embarrassed to tell his brothers, but the last blowjob he got was on his prom night. He’d barely been assimilating in college when the ghouls took him, and this was actually his first time alone with a girl since before death, angels, Michael and Hell. He’s barely holding together when Julie’s tongue hits that one spot on the underside of his cock, and he’s erupting like Vesuvius.

“UH! Ugh! Oh, God…Julie….”

She doesn’t let him say anything past that before her tongue and lips are moving again, and all Adam can do is moan as she expresses her gratitude to him three more times.

He’s been gone over an hour when he returns to the Impala, but Sam is just tinkering with his cell phone, and Dean’s rocking out to his music on the steering wheel. Adam slides into the backseat, wiping sweat off his brow with the bottom of his shirt.

“She all right?” Dean asks, face expressionless in the rear view mirror.

“U-um,” Adam stutters. “She’s fine. Just…fine.”

Dean’s face shifts into a devious grin and Sam just laughs and shakes his head. Adam blushes and averts his gaze out the window as the car starts moving again. It’s impossible to keep his mind from replaying the events in the apartment, and Adam self-consciously crosses his legs in the small backseat.

“You hungry? We can stop somewhere?” Dean asks a few minutes later, smile still tugging at his mouth when he meets Adam’s eyes.

“No. No, not hungry,” Adam squeaks out, and he hates the way his voice cracks. “I just need a shower.”

A cold, cold, shower.

<<<<<< >>>>>>

A succubus draws their attention to a small dot on the map outside of Bozeman. Dean is searching the latest victim’s apartment for clues, Sam is outside a bar that all the victims frequented, talking to some locals, and Adam is tasked with asking around inside the bar to see if anyone noticed any of them leaving with the same person.

After a few fruitless conversations, Adam settles at a shadowy table in the back corner to wait for Sam. They’re nowhere on the case, and they all know it. Dean and Sam are getting frustrated and grouchy, and Adam can’t blame them.

“Can I get you anything?”

Adam looks up to find a young, attractive waitress standing over him. He blinks. He hadn’t even heard her approach. “Uh…just a beer, please.”

“You sure? The food’s not half bad around here.” She counters, eyes raking up and down his slender frame. She’s checking him out. Adam’s getting used to it-Dean calls it the Winchester Effect-and she’s not bad looking herself, so he finds himself returning the favor. She’s his type, for sure, and has breasts like-

You’re working, he chides himself. Hunting a sex monster, for Christ’s sake, get a hold on yourself!

“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks.” He smiles, trying to brush her off easy. She doesn’t seem offended and heads back to the bar.

Adam pinches the bridge of his nose, wondering what was wrong with him, letting his guard down like that. It’s been almost a year since he started hunting, and though he’d proven himself many times already, he still felt as if he had to do well for Sam and Dean. He’d never admit it, but he had started to idolize them. The ease and bravery they showed on a daily basis was hard to live up to, especially as their younger, inexperienced brother.

“Here you go, Sweetie,” the waitress says, appearing above him again almost out of nowhere. He flinches involuntarily, but covers quickly.


“You’re not from around here, are you?” she asks, smiling brightly.

“Um, no, actually.” Adam frowns. He was trying to blend in, but since she already pegged him, he figures he’ll try asking her. Pulling the photo of the most recent victim, he held it up so she could see. “I’m looking for someone, actually.”

Her smile falters a bit as she looks at the picture, then back at Adam. “You a friend of his?”

Something about the way she says friend and the way she looks at him now has Adam backpedalling. “No, no, not like that. We went to the same high school, and I came into town to visit him, but he’s no where to be found.”

It was a blatant lie, since he’d seen the body in the morgue, but his brothers still think Adam looks a little young to be a Fed, so he’s playing the “family friend” angle while they masquerade as P.I.s.

The waitress relaxes at his words and smiles again. “Oh. Sorry. We get some guys like that in here a lot. But, um, yeah I did see this guy.”

Adam raises his eyebrows. “Really? When?”

“A few days ago, I think.” She looks a little put off by his sudden interest, so he tries to smooth it over.

“I’m sorry, I’m being rude. My name’s Adam. Miss?”

She laughs. “Oh, just Rachel.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Adam adds, hoping to relax her so she’d talk to him. “So, you saw my friend?”

Rachel looks around, almost nervously, which makes Adam scan the room himself. Maybe the succubus was here, after all.

“Um, can we…” Rachel glances to the side, deeper in the shadows near the back wall, toward a door marked STAIRS. “Talk somewhere quieter?”

Adam doubts they’d be able to find anything quieter in the noisy bar, but he stands and follows her to the back. She opens the door to the stairs, and steps in onto the dimly lit landing. He follows.

Closing the door mutes the music a little, and Rachel seems to relax when they are out of sight.

“Is something wrong?” Adam asks, concerned. She seems so afraid.

“I-I did see him,” Rachel blurts suddenly. Tears begin to well in her eyes. “It was so awful….”

“Hey, hey,” Adam places his hands on her arms. “It’s okay. I can help, all right? Just tell me what happened.”

While she tries to rein in her tears, Adam suddenly feels her fingers slipping under the hem of his shirts. He starts to say something comforting, but when her hands meet the skin of his abdomen, his mind seems to stall.

He’s still trying to think of what he was going to say when her hands slide up under his clothes, and he feels a tiny spark of energy between her hands and his suddenly too warm skin.

“Ra-Rachel?” He stammers, trying to get his thoughts back on track. She doesn’t look frightened now. She’s smiling up at him. She says nothing as her hands drift back down and start undoing his jeans.

His jeans and boxers are halfway down his thighs before he manages a halfhearted “Stop.” Rachel ignores his protest, though, and nuzzles against his semi-hard member.

“Hahhhhhh…” Adam wheezes as his cock swells at her touch. He’s aware that something is desperately wrong, but he’s still trying to force his hands to push her away when there’s a sudden spike of pain. “AHHH!”

Two sharp, stabbing sensations give him enough focus to dip his head and look. Fangs protrude from Rachel’s mouth, and she’s sinking them into his scrotum. Adam tries to pull away, but her hands are wrapped like vices around his hips, and she’s holding him in place against the wall of the stairwell.

Adam shifts tactics, trying instead to fish his cell from his pocket. It’s difficult with his jeans loose and hanging on his legs. He fumbles, and the phone drops to the floor by his foot.

The pain increases to the point where tears form in his eyes and he sees stars, but then it fades. In its place, a strange euphoria takes over. Rachel stands, and takes his hand, moving to descend the stairs. She purrs in his ear as they walk down. “So cute….”

He has trouble focusing, and the next few minutes are a blur. He sees that the stairs lead to a dark basement, and she leads him toward something like a storage closet. Once the door is open, she spins him around, and the world turns upside down.

When his brain finally stops spinning, Adam finds himself naked, lying down on some sort of cot in a small, warm room. He tries to move, but his wrists and ankles are tied down. His muscles don’t seem to be cooperating.

Rachel appears over him, climbing onto the cot and straddling his hips. Rock hard doesn’t begin to describe his erection as she lowers herself onto him. His cock is engulfed in her warm, slick folds and he’s moaning even before her hands start massaging his shoulders, pecs and stomach.

“Ugh-AHHH….” The sensations that blast through him when she starts pumping him are almost indescribable. He’s a sexual lightning rod, and she’s the lightning. “AHHH! AHHHHHH….”

“Ooh,” she cooes, grinning like a shark. “You’re strong. I can feel the energy pulsing inside you!”

She’s pumping him faster, faster, and then his world explodes. Adam cums harder than he ever has in his life, his pulsating cock shooting what feels like an enormous load inside her. She leans forward and presses her lips to his, and Adam suddenly feels so tired.

“So much better than those others,” Rachel moans, obviously enjoying the ride more than Adam. She starts pumping him again.

Adam never comes down from the explosive sensations. He still feels like he’s ejaculating when she begins pleasuring him again, and mere minutes later there’s another eruption.


It’s painful this time, but also pleasurable. His nervous system is confused. His strength fades again, and his attempts to free himself from the cot slacken. He has trouble even remembering his name, let alone what’s going on or why he should be concerned about it. Who can be worried about pleasure like this?

He’s cumming again before he knows what hit him.


The pain confuses him. This shouldn’t be painful. He shouldn’t be tiring out this quickly.

Rachel is screaming, too, but for her it sounds more like ecstasy than agony. She doesn’t let up even for a second, and unbelievably he explodes again, weaker this time, but still much more forceful than is normal for him. He deflates, energy draining out of him faster this time. He groans as his muscles go limp and he sinks into the thin mattress.

He senses more than hears a crash nearby, and suddenly Rachel’s weight on top of him is gone. There’s more noise, and Adam wonders if she fell off the bed, somehow, but his eyelids are so heavy he can’t look to find out.

Hands cup his face, then he feels one strike his cheek. “Adam! Wake up!”

Another slap. Adam frowns at the new pain, but with a Herculean effort, manages to drag his eyes open.

Rachel is gone. In her place, Sam is crouching over him, face creased with concern. He tries to speak, but it comes out slurred, like he’s in a drunken stupor. “Sss-amm…?

“You with me, man? Are you all right?”

Adam wants to answer, but he can’t summon the strength to even talk. He is vaguely aware of being lifted up, but his eyes drift shut before he can see what’s happening.

When his eyes drift open again, Sam is cradling him against his taller, thicker body, and manhandling him into the Impala. He lethargically watches the scenery go by outside the passenger window. He doesn’t know where they are going, but Sam squeezes Adam’s knee and says “trust me,” and Adam does. He knows his brothers well enough, now. His eyes close again of their own accord.

When they open again, finally, Adam is propped up in front of the mirror and sink in the motel room they are staying at outside of town. He comprehends enough to know that he’s still naked, and Sam is moving around next to him. Adam isn’t sure what his brother is doing, but he still feels like a stiff breeze could topple him, so he just stays where he is, silently.

A sharp-sharp!-pain in his privates forces his eyes wider, and he flinches. “AH!”

Large hands grip his shoulder and side. “Easy. Easy. You’re okay. It’s just the anti-venom. You’ll feel better, soon, okay?”

Adam wants to question how a painful jab to his nuts could possibly make him feel better, but the barb dies before he can summon the strength to open his mouth. A few moments pass, and then the hands are back. They support him and guide him away from the cold countertop.

He’s vaguely aware of being led to a bed, and when he allows the hands-as if he could stop them-to lower him down, he finds that the sheets have been covered with several bath towels from the bathroom. Adam frowns again, but settles onto his left side facing a wall, head propped up on one folded pillow.

One of the hands brushes his bangs away from his eyes and a cool, wet cloth appears against his forehead. Sam is talking near his ear. “Adam? You with me?”

“Y-yeah, m’here.” It’s a strain to get that much out.

“Okay. You’re gonna be fine. I gave you a shot, it’ll start breaking down the succubus venom. Okay? Adam? You understand?”

“Yeah…how’d- How’d…find me?”

“Your phone. I heard it ringing on the stairs.”

“Oh. ‘Kay…”

“All right. You can sleep, now. Um, if you…well, if you have any urges-” Sam breaks off, then sighs loudly. “Okay, let me just say it: if you…feel like you need to cum, just go ahead and do it. Ejaculation actually gets the venom out of your system faster. No one’s going to say anything. That’s what the towels are for. You understand?”

Adam nods, not really sure if he does, but he’s so tired he just wants to settle in and sleep. Sam stops talking and the weight on the bed shifts.

He’s not sure how much time goes by, but Adam slips in and out of consciousness several times. A television can be heard in the distance, and sometimes he can hear Sam talking softly. It’s not clear if Sam is talking to him or someone else. Adam doesn’t hear any other voices in the room.

What he’s mainly concerned with is the incredible pressure behind his penis. He’s hard as steel, and every time the tip of his sensitive member brushes the fabric beneath him, he thinks it might burst.

Just go ahead and do it…

Following the barely remembered instructions, Adam gingerly lowers his right hand, and slides it along his shaft. The effect is immediate and mind-blowing. He ejaculates so hard a shudder passes along his prone body. Fantasizing isn’t really necessary, and Adam’s hand starts to move steadily, even as exhaustion beckons him again. The orgasms follow him into darkness.

It is daylight in the room when Adam’s eyes open again. His brain takes its sweet time coming back online, so he has ample time to carefully take stock of his situation.

He’s lying on his side, the towels beneath him are soaked through, and his right wrist feels almost like it’s sprained. The events of the previous night slowly come back to him as he wakes up, and he carefully rolls onto his back with a deep groan.

“Hey, look who’s awake,” Sam says softly. Adam blinks in the light, and finally notices that his older brother is sitting on the bed next to him, propped against the headboard. “How’re you feelin’?”

Adam groans again, Sam’s question drawing his attention back to his abused body. “Like Dean kicked me in the balls.” He hesitates, processing his memories. “Please tell me Dean kicked me in the balls.”

Sam chuckles. “Afraid not.”

“Ugh,” Adam grimaces, squeezing his eyes shut. “Then, I really am a moron.”

“You’re not a moron, Adam.” Sam corrects him, firmly but not unkindly. Adam doesn’t agree.

“I knew what we were hunting, and I let it walk right up to me. And I started making out with it. I’d call that being a moron.”

Sam sighs. “A lot of hunters who’ve been in the game a lot longer than you have had the same thing happen to them. It was a succubus, it’s what they do.”

“Has it ever happened to you or Dean?” Adam asks bitterly, humiliation making him lash out. There’s a pause before Sam responds.


That makes him open his eyes. “What? Really?” He thinks about it. “Dean. It has to be Dean.”

Sam’s eyes are focused on something far away. “Actually, it was me.”

Adam blinks. He knows Sam’s no prude, but he doesn’t have the sexual appetite his oldest brother has, so he’s the last person Adam would suspect to have had this problem.

“A few months after Jess died, Dean and I were back on the road. I was pretty messed up. I missed her so much, and I was…horny as hell. I wasn’t going to just pick some random girl up, like Dean was telling me to, but one night, we were working a missing person’s case, and…it was a succubus. We didn’t know that until I was barely conscious and Dean was prying her off of me, of course.”

“God,” Adam breathed, feeling worse for snapping at Sam, now. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry, man.”

Sam smiled. “You got nothing to be sorry for. How do you feel?”

Adam shook his hand gently. It was sticky and the skin felt stiff. “Like I was beating off all night.”

“You were.”

Adam felt the heat rising to his cheeks, and he groaned again. “Ah, man. Tell me you didn’t have to see that.”

Sam patted him on the shoulder, comfortingly. “Unfortunately for both of us, part of the procedure is making sure there’s no blood coming out. You know, down there. Succubi have two kinds of venom, one’s in their hands. It acts as a mild anesthetic and dulls the survival instinct. You couldn’t have fought her off once she made contact. The other’s in her fangs, and that gets injected into the sex organs. The first wears off on its own, but the other has to be treated. There wasn’t any blood in the semen, so it’s fine. You’ll be sore for a few days, but I got to you in time.”

Adam started to wipe his face with his right hand, then remembered what it was covered with, and wiped it on his T-shirt instead. He was actually grateful Sam was making it sound so clinical. It softened the embarrassment. Still, he’d just spent the night blindly masturbating in front of his brother. The blush was worse the second time.

“I am…so sorry, Sam.”

“Stop apologizing.”

“Were you up all night?”

“Yeah,” Sam tapped the ridiculously heavy demonology tome he’d been reading for the past few weeks. “But, I finished reading my book. So, it wasn’t a waste.”

Adam grunted, looking around the otherwise empty motel room. “Where’s Dean?”

“Stopping to get us breakfast. He spent the night disposing of that succubus body. He’ll be here in a little while. Think you’re strong enough to try a shower, or do you want to wait? There’s no rush. Don’t do anything you’re not ready to do.”

Considering that, Adam took a deep breath. “I’d like to get cleaned up, but I don’t think I can stand for that long.”

“All right,” Sam replied easily. “We can set you up on the edge of the tub. I…can help you with that, if you’re comfortable with it.”

Adam stared at him a moment, but finally relented. He wanted to be clean more than he wanted to avoid further embarrassment. “Okay. Yeah, thanks.”

Sam stood and stretched, then stepped over and helped Adam into a sitting position, then gripped him under his arms and helped him to his feet. Adam paused, leaning against the larger man, and gestured toward the bed, then to the bathroom. “Um, Sam? Can we…I mean, can we not tell Dean about any of this?”

Following Adam’s gaze, Sam grinned and nodded firmly. “LBCA.”

“Huh?” Adam said, frowning.

“Little Brother Confidentiality Agreement. No Little Brother shall willingly show, tell or otherwise inform Big Brother of any embarrassing actions, events, or statements that can cause teasing, humiliation, and so forth and such and such…I’m having the paperwork drawn up for us this afternoon.”

Adam laughed at Sam’s deadpan lawyer shtick. “Thanks, Sam.”

Sam turned and guided him toward the bathroom. “Anytime, little brother.”


au!fic, character: sam winchester, fandom: supernatural, genre: smut!fic

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