Jan 24, 2007 14:17
My fellow Americans,
Earlier this evening, America listened as President George W. Bush addressed a joint session of Congress, fulfilling his Constitutional duty to report annually to Congress on "the state of the union." Shortly thereafter, Virginia Senator Jim Webb delivered the Democratic Party's response to his report.
I am not privileged to address you tonight over broadcast televison or radio; my party's opinions are considered unworthy of coverage by the "mainstream media." A response, however, is required, and I accept the responsibility for making it as an American, a presidential candidate, and hopefully a worthy, although not official, representative of my party.
The union, President Bush tells us, is strong. And he may be right. What he does not admit is that the union is weaker now than when he took office.
As evidence for his claim of national strength, he cites an economy which thrives in spite of, not because of, the ministrations of his government ... and proposes additional "help" of the type that weakens rather than strengthens it.
As proof of the bright future before us and the care which we take to leave our children a better world, he points to his "No Child Left Behind Act" -- an act which props up a disintegrating public education system with more of the federal interference that, until only a few short years ago, his party had pledged to eliminate at the first opportunity.
Addressing himself to the question of national defense, he defends to the very last his failed experiments in foreign military adventurism which have stretched America's armed forces to the breaking point, alienated our friends, empowered our enemies, and left us less, not more, secure against attack or invasion.
Turning to issues of energy independence and environmental sanity, he recommends more subsidies and more regulation, rather than smaller government and more innovation.
Like President Bush, I believe that the union is strong. Unlike President Bush, who attributes that strength to nebulous, undefined but government-enforced "courage, kindness and self-sacrifice," I and my fellow Libertarians understand what really makes America strong.
We understand that every dollar in taxes taken out of your paycheck makes America weaker, and that every dollar left in your pocket makes America stronger.
We understand that one-size-fits-all federal programs -- even Republican programs -- for public education make America weaker, and that real parental control and real individual choice in education make America stronger.
We understand that "bring'em on" and "mission accomplished" and "surge" make America weaker, and that a foreign policy based on "friendship and commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with none" makes America stronger.
We understand that immigration has always made America stronger, and that "temporary guest worker" programs, fences and border militarization are poor substitutes for a truly open society in which peaceful people enjoy freedom to travel and to trade.
We understand that corporate welfare makes America weaker, even when it's disguised as a tax cut "for health insurance," and that getting government out of health care makes America stronger, more free -- and more healthy.
We understand that government subsidies to Big Oil and Big Agriculture make America weaker, that unsubsidized competition makes America stronger -- and that only the innovation fostered by a truly free market will allow us to meet the challenges of pollution, climate change and future fossil fuel scarcity.
The union is strong -- not because of the efforts George W. Bush and his fellow politicians, but in spite of them. And in their clutches, America can only continue to become weaker ... because the strength of our union, my fellow Americans, is freedom.
The notion that government exists only for the purpose of securing our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, bequeathed us by our nation's founders, is the foundation upon which every worthwhile American accomplishment rests. The Bush adminstration, the Congress, and their predecessors in the White House and on Capitol Hill, have gone at that foundation with a sledgehammer.
The cracks they've produced in that foundation are visible all around us. The Patriot Act. The Military Commissions Act. Warrantless searches and wiretaps. No-knock raids. Detention without charge, counsel or trial. As a nation, we now imprison more of our own than any other. One in thirty of us are trapped in a "justice" system that has long since ceased to represent justice. The rest of us are subject to reams of arbitrary and capricious edicts concerning what we may say, how we may worship, which political candidates we may support (and how much we do so financially), what arms we may carry in our own defense, what medicines we may use, even whether or not we can play cards on the Internet.
America as we know it -- everything in it worthy of our devotion and allegiance -- stands at the edge of cliff, below which the darkness of totalitarianism awaits. Whether or not our union is strong enough to step backward from the precipice is a question only time will answer.
Over the next two years, I'll watch with you as the new Democratic Congress wrestles with the problem of restoring freedoms that a corrupt and lawless administration has robbed us of. If history is any guide, the Democrats will choose instead to go to work with their own sledgehammers.
In the meantime, I urge you to join with me in support of America's last, best hope for a better tomorrow: The Libertarian Party. Even as we speak, hundreds of Libertarians toil in elected and appointed office or as volunteer party activists, working to protect your freedom. With your help, we can elect thousands of new local officials, hundreds of state legislators, dozens of US Representatives and Senators and, yes, a President, who understand what makes America strong and are prepared to act on that understanding.
Let freedom grow!
Steve Kubby
Libertarian for President