Originally published at
Philosophical Musings. Please leave any
comments there.
Hello everyone, long time no blog. I know. There goes that resolution
So, it’s 1 am, I’ve just flown back from Colorado, and I’m sick again. Got some head/sinus/chest cold thing at the drop of a hat. It seems like my health has been horrible for this entire year so far, and I’ve had enough. Every time I get healthy, it seems to be an unstable health that falls down at the first sign of weakness, either lack of sleep or excess of one sort or another - my youthful constitution has waned and now I am failing my health rolls much more frequently.
It’s officially 4/20, and while I haven’t partaken of the ritual sacrament, I’ve got a ‘holy’ thought that I’m willing to enact. Each month for the next year, I will poll you, my readers, for one thing that I can adopt as a healthy habit or one bad habit to break, to increase my overall health and well-being. I’ll collect up your suggestions, take the top 5 items, and put them on a poll which you will all then vote on. Given the assumption that the chosen behavior isn’t f*cking crazy, and that I am physically capable of doing it, I’ll try it for a month, and if it shows some positive affect in my life, I’ll keep it. I’ll give reports back on my progress, and you will collectively be my accountability coaches.
Is it a deal? Okay - starting now, I’ll collect up suggestions for the next 2 weeks, then post the top 5 suggestions on a poll for the next week after that, and I will announce the winner and start performing it 5/20.
1) I’m an overweight, out of shape dude with very little proclivity to activity - don’t kill me out of the gate here. Give me achievable goals.
2) I’m not going to do anything that’s actually risky to my health, nor will I do anything that’s illegal, or likely to get my wife or my kids pissed at me.
3) It’s got to be something I can do in 30 minutes or less a day. I don’t have more time than that, realistically.
4) I don’t want to post my entire medical health history online for obvious reasons. If you have specific questions, please email me and I’ll reply.
5) The suggestion can be for physical, mental or spiritual health. I am taking the Chinese approach here.
If the winning suggestion is sane and reasonable, I’ll do it for a month without complaint, and I’ll report to the group the results along the way. Scout’s honor.
Okay folks - I’m putting my health in your hands here. Help me get from where I am now to a better, healthier me one year from today.