Originally published at
Philosophical Musings. Please leave any
comments there.
I’ve been having some crises of faith over the last few days, and it’s only because I’m tired and overworked and dealing with clients that are expecting impossible deadlines, but working double shifts and trying to stay positive for my staff can wear me down, and today I’m just feeling like I wish I had my comfy CSU job back, with even schedules and guaranteed pay. I could go home at 5pm and leave my work at work - spend time with family and friends, and not have to worry about where my next client was going to come from. Sure, my will was depleting and my mind was failing, and I was kinda tired and done with the work I was doing, but at least it had the illusion of being secure and it certainly wasn’t taxing.
I’ll get over it in a few days - mostly I’m grumbly because we have a client meeting tomorrow and I’m not personally happy with where we are on the project, and I feel like the meeting could have some rough spots based on mismanaged expectations. Perhaps I’m speaking out of turn, and everything will be fine, but again - I’m tired and grumbly.
So tonight I work my 2nd shift and I’ll turn on the TV and watch back episodes of ‘Chuck’ to keep me up and happy. Maybe I’ll get to sleep by 4am.
Is it always gonna be this much work?