Originally published at
Philosophical Musings. Please leave any
comments there.
It’s day three, the midnight run once again. Today we made it home from the beach, and are slowly reintegrating with our house after being gone for a week. Took the tree out, did a little cleaning and filing, and Julia ran a D&D game while I managed a bit of business and dealt with the pain of a screwed-up arm muscle that bugs me every once in a while when I sleep on it wrong. I injured myself about six weeks ago doing way too many push-ups, and I think I may have separated a ligament from my humorus, or something, but I get these deep pains in my skeletal muscles (tricep? I have no idea) that preclude me from doing the simplest of actions, like button up my fly, or lift anything out in front of my body. it sucks.
In other news, I am learning the value of adaptation to conditions in business, and realizing that hosting my own server directly is not the most efficient way to do business. I have to do it the way others are doing it now, which is working through a reseller. There are lots of great options, and I’ll be in a better situation with greater reliability and more features for my customers. I think I’ve made my service selection, but I’m going to do a bit more due diligence tonight before I pull the trigger. I will reduce my hosting costs to at least 30% of the current operating budget (probably more), and I’ll reduce my reliance on IT consultants to almost nothing. I really had a romantic desire to have my own machinery, and be the lord of my own domain, so to speak, but the truth is -
Archer Web Solutions is not a hosting company primarily, but a web solutions company, and I need to be ever-vigilant to give my clients the very best, even if it means hiring out to others for that service.
But enough business talk - you can go to my corporate blog for that info.
Better post before the click changes over, so see you all tomorrow.