Ficlets: Medics ahoy

Jun 18, 2012 21:57

First lot of medic ficlets from various prompts, so many more to go...
Title: Getting in the Groove
Continuity: G1
Rating: G
Character(s): First Aid, Blaster, Red Alert
Warnings: None
Prompt: First Aid/Blaster Getting in the groove

Red Alert had seen many things from his vaunted position of 'holder of all incriminating recordings on the Ark'. But even he was at a loss to truly comprehend the fact that First Aid, who, he was quick to point out to his glitching processor, should have been on duty, was apparently learning to dance.
At least, that is the only conclusion he could come to as he watched a one legged berth ridden Blaster giving directions to the Protectobot.
As long as he kept his processor on that main fact he would be fine. The young medic was just... dancing.
He put the video stream to one side as he checked the external cameras for any incursions.
That meant nothing to distract his multi-tasking processor, and several threads were drawn back to the previously set aside video feed.
Why, of all the things Blaster could teach the medic, did he have to be teaching him some of the more risqué dances, and more importantly, why did the lithe little medic have to be so good at them...

Title: Learning Curve
Continuity: G1
Rating: G
Character(s): First Aid, Hot Spot
Warnings: None
Prompt: First Aid/Hot Spot - learning together

::Admit it. You're lost.::
::I am not!::
The ambulance seemed to sink on its axle slightly as the car wiggled its aft in defiance and continued straight on. First Aid huffed, a cloud of exhaust fumes drifting up behind him as he trundled after his very much lost even if he failed to admit it leader.
::Yes you are. We're going the wrong way.:: He tried again, not that he expected to have much luck, but he at least wanted to get home before the next century.
'Get out and get some fresh air'. Ratchet had said.
'Go see the sights'. Hoist had said.
'Learn something new'. Prime had said as he agreed to the older medic's idea and ordered him out the door with Hot Spot as a guard.
Aid huffed as they went past yet another turn off that could conceivably have led them home, the current path only taking them even further away.
Well, he had got some fresh air, he had seen the sights, and the only thing he had learnt was that Hot Spot couldn't follow satellite navigation.
Primus forbid if anybody ever asks Defensor for directions.

Title: On the interaction of a medic and a rotary
Continuity: G1 & SG
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): First Aid, Blades
Warnings: None
Prompt: First Aid/Blades - gentle/not gentle

Blades winced as First Aid straightened out another of his rotors and gently moved the kinked wires back into place.
Blades snarled as First Aid yanked yet another of his rotors into correct alignment and then grabbed the handful of loose wires and tucked them into the hub.
“You really need to be more careful of Vortex.” Blades cast a wry look over his shoulder at his gestaltmate as he soldered wires back into place.
“You need a slagging processor upgrade, you should know by now that Vortex's gestalt know you like him and watch out for you.” The harsh tone was underscored by small flashes of pain as wires were roughly soldered back into place.
“I don't try and find him, he finds me.” Blades protested, a shudder passing through his frame.
“But those white plates are just so clean and gleaming and screaming for some attention.” Blades said, a lascivious smirk curling one side of his faceplate upwards.
“I know, I know, just try and stay away from him. I don't think Prime will be too pleased if we have to go rescue you.” He patted the newly repaired rotor hub, “you're done. Try and stay out of trouble.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just remember Prime won't be too forgiving if he thinks you're missing attack opportunities while you are busy ogling a Decepticon.” He tugged at the rotor hub, ignoring the snarl of pain as he reached for one of his ever present coding stims, “what the frag are you still here for? Get out and quit cluttering up the medbay.”

c: hot spot, c: first aid, c: blades, c: blaster, c: red alert

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