Ficlet: complementary medicine

Apr 30, 2012 23:13

Title: Complementary Medicine
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG
Character(s): Ratchet, Hoist, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker
Warnings: None
Summary: Sideswipe should know by now that keeping his mouth shut is the best plan.
Notes: Commentfic party here, prompt: Ratchet, Hoist, complementary medicine
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

"Hoist pass the..."
"Here, and can you hold..."
"Working on it. Could you..."
"Already got the clamp ready, if you just..."
"There you go..."
Sideswipe shook his helm slightly as he watched the two medics creating a new leg. That was just creepy. No mechs should be able to finish each others sentences like that unless they were split sparks or bonded. And they were neither of the two, although there were rumours that they were angling that way.
"I have to wonder." Sideswipe finally said after a little longer listening to the half finished sentences. Sunstreaker looked up from the pad he was drawing on, resting it on his one remaining leg as he gave his brother his full attention. "Are they even like that in the berth?"
Neither of the medics stopped what they were doing.
However Ratchet took the wrench that he had been handed without looking up and pitched it at Sideswipe's helm, the warriors yelp echoing through the medbay as Sunstreaker laughed.

c: hoist, c: ratchet, series: oath and covenant au

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