Ficlet: For your own good

Apr 29, 2012 23:10

Title: For your own good
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG
Character(s): First Aid, Jazz
Warnings: None
Summary: Aid would like to reiterate that everything he is doing is for Jazz's benefit
Notes: Commentfic party here, prompt: Jazz/Aid - For you own good
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

"Oh for the love of Primus Jazz! That's it, I give up." Two white hands were withdrawn as the bot on which they had been working twitched again.
"Aiiiiid." It was hard to tell behind the surgical mask but Jazz could swear the little fragger was laughing.
"It's your own fault, you know." First Aid said as he strapped one of his patients arms down to the berth.
"I didn't ask for this to happen." The saboteur protested as his other arm recieved similar treatment.
"Mmmm, of course not, but this is for your own good. Just be a good bot and stay still." He was definitely laughing. Least he was trying not to show it, Ratchet would have been rolling around on the floor by now, small mercies that the Hatchet was not on shift and instead was safely in recharge. "Besides if you'd come to me straight away I could have dealt with it before you transformed and tied it up into knots."
Jazz wisely didn't answer, or possibly it was just that First Aid had returned his fingers to unwinding the stubbornly tangled bit of fabric from certain internal parts of a mech that made concentrating rather difficult, especially when they were being poked and prodded.
The silence held for a short while, the low hum of Jazz's fans working to try and keep him cool being the only thing to break the silence before First Aid spoke up again. "Jazz. Just out of curiousity, how did you end up with a human streamer attached to your alt mode anyway?"

c: jazz, c: first aid, series: oath and covenant au

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