Fic: Adapt and Experiment Pt.4

Apr 10, 2012 10:18

Title: Adapt and Experiment, Pt.4 For Science
Continuity: G1
Rating: NC17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Skyfire/Wheeljack
Warnings: sticky.
Summary: Wheeljack thinks that as a newcomer Skyfire should explore his new modifications. For science of course.
Notes: This request on the kinkmeme caught my eye.
But in short: Technological adaptations (alt modes), used to imitate a planets mechanical advancement, are not the only way Cybertronians blend in. They also modify coding and protoform to emulate the dominant culture and give themselves a better understanding of how the planetary inhabitants will react to the Cybertronians and to appear more approachable and less alien.
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(

"I still think it's a little strange." Skyfire said as he leant over the bench that Wheeljack was using to dismantle some contraption or other. "If you look at human females they are shown to be the weaker of the two sexes, I just don't understand why you would choose to identify as a female."

"Why not?" Wheeljack said as she looked up from the innards of the device. "Human females may be physically weaker, but their minds are just the same as their male gendered counterparts and many sources say that a woman is the more dangerous of the two sexes."

Skyfire nodded as he contemplated that fact, after all, Wheeljack came up with inventions that could easily dismantle larger mechs. "I suppose that makes a sort of sense." The shuttle propped his helm up on one hand as he stared at his smaller companion. "I used to do scouting and advance reconnaisonce. The meet and greet was handled by others."

"You didn't really have to do the meet and greet here either." Wheeljack pointed out, not looking up from the wires she was soldering.

Skyfire frowned. "True, but what I actually meant was that I've never been modded to fit in with an alien species before, but Ratchet and Teletraan insisted."

Indicators once meant for communicating in deep space around nebula and gas clouds that could block communication lines flickered. Even though Wheeljack was now planet bound the meaning behind the colours and sequences had not changed, and Skyfire himself was a deep space shuttle, he knew the almost but not quite a full language that could be transmitted. Wheeljack was, to borrow a human phrase that seemed especially fitting, rolling on the floor laughing her aft off. Skyfire huffed, atmosphere gusting out of his vents as he watched her try to get a hold of herself.

"It's not that funny." He protested once she calmed down.

Wheeljack nodded. "Sorry, but I just had this image of Ratchet dragging you all the way to Teletraans central hub so that they could get you modded."

The shuttle chuckled. "Except for being dragged that does sound about right."

"So what do you think of the mods?" Wheeljack asked, her project pushed to one side as she hopped up to sit on the bench.

"I have no idea."

Wheeljack just raised one metallic eyebrow, the flexible metal plates shifting into a configuration that Skyfire had never seen before, but the data recently dumped into his databanks informed him that the expression was meant to convey disbelief or skepticism. "As in, I've not tried them." the shuttle clarified before she could say anything.

"At all?"

"Ratchet showed me the basic mechanics. But I'm not sure that it'll work with the size difference." The shuttle flicked his wings as Wheeljack tilted her helm, audial fins glowing a soft lilac.

"It should still work. 'Traan said that he took the different frame types into account." Indicators flared into a deeper purple as Wheeljack smirked. "For science? To make sure that Teletraan was right."

Skyfire couldn't help but chuckle at the blatant proposition and the grin stretching across Wheeljack's face, no trace of modesty anywhere on her frame. "I suppose we really should ensure that a full experiment has been conducted."

She nodded as she jumped down off the bench and headed for the door, "Well, what are you waiting for?" Skyfire just shook his helm as he followed the inventor through the corridors before deftly steering him towards his own quarters. For one, there were rumours that Wheeljack kept some of her projects in her quarters, and another reason was that SKyfire was pretty sure that her berth wouldn't be big enough.

She didn't protest the direction change, bounding into the larger room before turning back around, bouncing on the edge of her stabilisers as Skyfire stopped once the door had closed behind him. "Oh, come over here and stop looking so nervous." Skyfire stilled his wings which were twitching subconciously before he strode over to the berth and lay down, Wheeljack climbing up to join him with a rainbow of excited lights as she settled herself above him,.

"Open up." She tapped the armour hiding the new mods and Skyfire delved into his own coding to activate things, the soft click and whirr of transformation quickly following.

He shuddered as he felt a scan wash across his frame leaving his sensors tingling. Wheeljack seemed oblivious to what she had just done until Skyfire realised she probably was. Both she and the other scientist, Perceptor, and of course Hoist and Ratchet had scans set up to run automatically. At normal settings most Cybertronians wouldn't even register the scan, and even with the war causing mechs to run with a higher sensor sensitivity it would still barely register as having happened.

But now it was like a full frame caress leaving every sensor humming with power and a burst of static escaped Wheeljack as she was pulled down to Skyfire's chest, the larger mech rumbling happily at the contact.

"Never would have taken you for a cuddler." Wheeljack said as she wrapped her arms around the large shoulders, one hand trailing along the small section of wing that she could reach.

"I'm not." The jet growled, keeping one arm across the smaller mechs back, effectively pinning her in place. "Normally." He amended as Wheeljack wiggled, the action only causing the arm to tighten as pressure sensors registered the movement. Each sensor picking up far more than normal and heat curled around his frame as the data was bundled up and sent on to his main processor. The delicate wiring just wasn't made to support so much information.

"You know, if you don't let me up we aren't going to get anywhere." Wheeljack said in a reasonable tone from somewhere near his neck, her face buried against his armour, but it was enough to make him reluctantly allow the inventor to sit up again.

"So, how are we going to go about this?" Skyfire asked as he peered down his frame, Ratchet's basic 'how to not frag yourself up and end up in medbay' lecture was helpful only in that it said what to avoid doing.

"First..." Fingers slipped under the edge of armour panelling right above his valve opening before the armour slid back, and Wheeljack grinned, "First, I show you that I worked out where the manual release is."

Skyfire chuckled as several warnings flashed over his HUD telling him that his upper interface panelling was open and the coding inactive. He did the only thing any sensible mech would and activated it. Wheeljack just smirked as she trailed a hand over the newly extended spike.

“I think I understood enough of Ratch's lecture to get the next part.” Skyfire murmered as he curled his hands around Wheeljack as she did something that should be illegal for several planetary systems with the way his new protocols were acting. Wheeljack tilted her helm,optics fastening onto his in a silent question, although her hands never stilled. “First...” With such a greater strength and mass it was little effort to keep Jack pressed against his frame as he sat up and then twisted around before lowering her to the berth. “First, you lie back and relax.”

She laughed at having her own tone turned against her as she spread her legs, hips wiggling in obvious invitation.

He wasn't a mech to ignore such a blatant display of eagerness, and his enthusiasm was only tempered by lack of practice. He had of course tried out his own modifications, but this was the first time he had joined with another mech. Although that didn't seem to be a problem as Wheeljack shuddered, her audial fins flickering through several colours, never settling on one shade for long as he explored her valve.

The tiny plates making up the walls tightening as 'Jack lifted her hips and pushed against the intrusion, a clear demand for more. Skyfire chuckled as he used his free hand to press the inventors hips onto the berth, the whine of protest at his continued teasing making him smirk.

Control. It was something drilled into every mech with aerial capabilities. Lack of control could be deadly. It was also something Wheeljack lacked, as shown by her numerous explosions when her patience with an experiment ran thin and she took shortcuts.

Besides, the humans had a good phrase for moments like this. “Good things come to those who wait 'Jack.” Not that the smaller mech seemed to be in any state to process the phrase, Skyfire could feel the heat emanating from the chassis beneath him

Heat enough perhaps that if he curled his finger... he grinned as Wheeljack's optics flickered off rather than letting large amounts of energy flow through the delicate components.

“Slag.” Wheeljack said as she wrestled her vocaliser back under control, her optics snapping back online to look at the larger shuttle. “And you say you were a surveyor rather than a first contact scout?”

“I learn quickly.” The larger mech said as he lifted his hand of her chest, letting her rock onto his fingers still buried in his valve. And then she froze as she realised that he did indeed have two of his very large digits buried in her valve and that was why she was heating up again so fast.

“Slagging glitch.” She said around static as he wiggled his fingers, clearly having taken advantage of her relaxing after overload.

“But you love me anyway?”

“Something like that.” Wheeljack was quite proud that she managed all three words without a hitch, but the whole; show the shuttle how to interface with the new mods, had ended up as; get 'faced into stasis by the shuttle, a while back.

Actually, she knew exactly when she'd lost control of the situation, it was when he got those clever fingers near her valve and his was out of reach. Not that she was complaining. At all.

“Think you're ready?” Skyfire asked, gently pulling his fingers out and stroking his spike. 'Jack had to suppress her whimper as she nodded, relaxing as he slowly lined up, his spike pushing against the walls of her valve.

Each plate shifting, relaxing, but not quick enough as the sensors registered every expansion, only her stubbornness stopping her from tumbling into another overload as her hands grasped at the frame above, anchoring her whirling processor.

Pain? Perhaps, the modifications to her sensors were already ramped so high it seemed to make no difference, the pleasure/pain/need/want burning across her sensor net in a wave.

“Shhhhh.” She clung to the sound, the vibrations thrumming through her frame as she realised that she was keening, a wordless plea to... what? Move? Stop? Get out?

And then he moved, slowly, gently, the small thrust of his hips still driving her into the padding on the berth and she knew the answer to that question. The realisation that she wouldn't last long was not a hard conclusion to come to. Not filled like this, every sensor awash with data, every sensor attuned to the shuttle looming above her helm.

Nor perhaps will he, as his internal fans are working loudly to dump heat and his vocaliser emits a garbled string of static that might at one time have meant something in Cybertronian.

The end when it comes washes her vision in a silver white haze as systems shut down one after another to protect circuits from damage. He last thought, before she enters stasis, is that once she thought that if she extinguished she'd want to go in a fiery conflagration of her own making. Now she's not too sure, being 'faced to deactivation could be a viable alternative.

c: wheeljack, c: skyfire

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