Mini Fic: Surprise!

Mar 01, 2012 22:38

Title: Surprise!
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jazz/Ratchet
Warnings: None
Summary: It's a surprise. At least, it is for Jazz
Notes: For aniay, prompt: Ratchet/Jazz - we know each other
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here

"What did we do to deserve this?" Because really, I've done nothing, at least recently, to warrant being put on meet and greet duty. Nor, as far as I know, has Jazz, who is looing just as bored as I am as we wait for the shuttle to arrive.
"Finally." Jazz muttered as he straightened, his gaze unerringly fixed on a distant point in the sky. It took a while for the shuttle to come close enough for me to make it out as I got up off the crate I had been sitting on.
Jazz waited till the boarding ramp had touched down and three mechs had started down the ramp before he launched into his welcome to Iacon spiel. Occasionally he gets to the end before any of the new arrivals asks questions, usually he gets interrupted half way through. Pit, Smokescreen takes bets on how soon into the greeting he gets.
But I don't think he had odds down for being literally swept off his feet by one of them and being rather thoroughly groped.
Jazz to his credit didn't do anything other than give a startled squawk of static before obviously deciding that the greeting wasn't important and starting to give as good as he was receiving.
No, Smokescreen definitely hadn't had 'groped and overloaded by new arrival after only two sentences' on his books.
And the other two mechs didn't seem overly concerned by their companions behavior, the green and bronze one clearly asking for credits which the grey mech with strange flashing audial protrusions handed over with a resigned clatter of armour plates.
"Uhhhm?" Was all I managed as the mech levered himself off Jazz and turned to me, leaving the smaller mech as a puddle of happily purring metal.
"What?" The red and white mech asked as he buffed out a black streak from one thigh.
"Do you always do that to mechs you've never met?" I wasn't sure whether I wanted the answer to be positve or negative as his face finally filled with comprehension.
"Oh. No, don't worry. We know each other."

c: jazz, c: ratchet, series: oath and covenant au, pair: ratchet/jazz

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