Title: Not the Usual Suspects
Continuity: G1 - VolatilityAU
Rating: G
Character(s): Red Alert, Wheeljack
Word Count: 1830
Summary: Red Alert and Wheeljack used to work together as saboteurs... 'Cons beware.
Notes: Spawned from yet another bunny abandoned at the
tfbunnyfarm. I swear I need to stop browsing that place or I’ll never get anything done.
Part of the Volatility Au - wherein Wheeljack and Red Alert were recruited into special ops by jazz and Mirage...
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related stuff still doesn't belong to me :(
The completion of a holographic training room in the base had been a cause for celebration. After all, nobody was sure how many more training injuries Ratchet could take without violently offlining the next bot to step into his realm.
The simulator was linked to an internally loaded program and to weapons systems, which when activated allowed weapons fire and damage to be calculated by the program and it would cause systems to react as they would to damage. But there wouldn’t be the actual physical damage, thus no grouchy, murderous medic.
Somewhere in the party to celebrate this fact somebody had turned up with homebrewed highgrade of which a large portion had now been consumed.
Thus it was no surprise that a large portion of the bots were pairing up and placing bets on who could get furthest through a scenario involving a large Decepticon base, a segment of data that had to be recovered or removed and the order that as much damage be done as possible.
The success rate for completion of the mission was exceptionally low, most bots simply using it as a simulation with lots of enemies to blast.
Running out of pairs to take part in their scenario the group turned to those around them, one of these being the security director and one of his friends. Inferno had managed to pull Red Alert away from the control room and they were listening in to the conversation with only half an audial before one of the gathered bots suggested they join the group.
The gathered bots had expected both to say no outright, thus they were surprised when Red had agreed to take part.
Red Alert insisted he and his as yet unknown partner could not only get further than anybody else, they would actually finish the scenario. Most assumed it was the high grade talking and the bets were adjusted accordingly.
Several sets of optics slid over to observe Red when he walked into the observation room several days later.
“Jazz and Mirage finished the scenario; you have seventy two percent data retrieval and forty nine percent damage to beat.” Ironhide informed him.
Red nodded as he watched two of the Protectobots taken down before they even made it inside the base.
“Where’s your partner?”
“Right here.” Several sets of optics blinked as they regarded the engineer.
“Wheeljack?” even Ironhide looked surprised, “You sure about this Red?”
“Quite sure.” The security director said as he and Jack made their way over to the door where Streetwise and Groove were exiting the simulator, laughing to each other as they waved to the elder bots.
“Ok, if you’re sure about this.” Ironhide’s voice came over the intercom, “Sequence commencing in three, two, one.”
The room before them rippled, quickly becoming a tangle of metal buildings in various states of repair, with metal, ceramic and crystal littering the ground, making moving quietly a challenge.
Both bots immediately moved into cover, Red sliding around a doorframe as he unsubspaced a rifle, Wheeljack crouching behind some rubble as he muted his fins to avoid giving himself away.
The two stayed silent and still as a Decepticon patrol passed by before easing out of their hiding spots and moving to the next available cover.
The bots in the control tower watched as the two managed to work their way through the maze of streets without being seen or heard by the various patrols which routinely swept the area.
Red peered around the building he was using to hide behind at the area of ground surrounding the base. The cons had razed the houses to a melted slag to avoid any attackers using the buildings as shields. It also made creeping up to the base virtually impossible.
Twisting round to look at Jack he shrugged. The door they were aiming for was a small back entrance to the complex. What had originally before the war been the cities official information hub and the enforcers’ offices had been re-commissioned as a small out of the way Decepticon communications base.
Unfortunately it had picked up a rather important transmission. Unfortunate for the Autobots as it could mean the loss of several strategic positions once the Decepticons decoded the information and forwarded it to the main bases, unfortunate for the base because it had just become a priority target for the Autobots.
The Decepticon base however remained oblivious to its sudden rise in status and its occupants were blissfully unaware of the approaching danger.
Thus the small door Red and Jack were watching had no guard, unlike the main entrance on the other side of the complex, the cons instead relying upon the highly advanced security systems to warn them if the door code was changed, hacked or otherwise tampered with.
Had they known what was coming they would most likely have had several very angry cons stationed behind it, regrettably they were not there to witness the two Autobots slink out of the buildings and dash for the door.
Nor did the security system register more than a faint blip, which its self diagnostic attributed to a small power surge and thus not worth sounding the alarm.
Several bots up in the control room swore as they watched the door open to let the two slip inside, quite a bit of money had been resting on them being caught trying to get inside, given that the only pair to manage it so far had been Jazz and Mirage. They had been forced to split up when they set off one of the back door alarms, Mirage going in under cloak and Jazz keeping the cons outside of the base busy.
Once inside the two bots split up, Red Alert sneaking to the centre of the complex, avoiding cons and cameras as he went, Wheeljack on the other hand strolled through the corridors with no such regard for things such as security systems.
“What is he doing?” One of the bots in the control room asked as the computer tracked the apparently suicidal engineer and the Decepticons closing in on him.
“I have a bad feeling about that.” A hand pointed to the screen. Most of the bots took a reflexive step backwards, despite the fact that it was firstly a simulation and secondly, they were in a solid, well reinforced control room.
The bad feeling was borne out as the screen which had been tracking the engineer turned white for a moment as the object Wheeljack had been casually tossing between his hands was lobbed at the group of approaching Decepticons.
When the screen cleared it showed several disorientated Decepticons, but no trace of the engineer.
“Who the frag keeps flash grenades in subspace?” One of the gathered bots asked as Ironhide reset the controls to lock onto the elusive bot.
“Wheeljack apparently.” Another deadpanned as they settled back into watching the show.
Ignoring the shaking of the base as several localised explosions occurred somewhere below; Red tilted his head at the door to the communications hub.
Jack was creating enough trouble by leaving explosives throughout the lower levels that most of the control staff were likely to be tracking him and sending instructions to the cons actually attempting to apprehend him, that meant with any luck none of them would be watching the camera which was trained on the very door he needed to get through.
Slinking forwards he ignored the number pad, instead flicking the dataport cover below the pad out of the way and jacking into the system. Numbers and glyphs flashed over his vision as he started dismantling and rebuilding the coding which was meant to stop the door from being hacked, casually over-riding the alarm as he went.
Pulling out of the connection he unhooked his data cable before carefully punching in the new code to the door panel. It opened with barely a sound, the three cons inside didn’t even bother to turn around, their optics glued to the monitors as they tried to hem in the menace that was slowly destroying their base.
Pulling out his rifle he calmly levelled it and took out the three cons in quick succession, at this distance even he couldn’t miss.
Rolling one of the offline bodies out of the way he took over the console.
Hacking into the system from the mainframe made his job a lot easier as he locked the door to the control room and began searching for the mission sensitive data.
Keeping half an optic on the cameras he continued giving the cons instructions and closing doors around the base.
Down below Wheeljack grinned as a door slid shut behind him. Finally! He’d been starting to get tired of having to blast through doors that were slamming shut in front of him. Especially since there was a finite amount of ammunition even he could carry.
With Red now keeping an eye on the cons and hindering their search for him, it was time to get to the favourite part of his job.
Turning to look at one of the cameras mounted on the wall the engineer held up a detonator and mimed running.
Up in the control room Red laughed as he accessed the camera controls and moved it in a clear up and down pattern. The data had completed its download and been wiped about a breem ago, he’d just been amusing himself by sending the cons round in circles while Jack planted his remaining explosive goodies.
Skidding over the debris on the ground Red swerved into the shelter of one of the buildings, Wheeljack right on his aft as the ground trembled beneath them.
Knocking ceramic dust and crystal shards off his frame Red poked his head out of his cover to stare at what had been a building not two breems before. “Impressive.” He said as Jack poked his head around the security director to regard the crater in the ground with an evaluating look.
“Not big enough.”
Red ignored the quip as the two of them set off towards the point they had started from, easily avoiding the remaining Decepticons who seemed quite spooked by the sudden reduction of their base to little more than rubble.
Reaching the designated extraction point the two bots were greeted by the appearance of a door as the buildings behind them melted away.
“How did you do that?” One of the assembled bots asked as the viewscreen behind them still showed the utter destruction wrought on the Decepticon base.
Wheeljacks fins flashed a bright green in amusement, “who do you think took the original mission?”
Red smirked behind his mask as the whine of processors locking up filled the room. Serve them all right for making him glitch. Vengeance could be so sweet.
Tilting his head at the rebooting bots Wheeljacks fins flickered again, “I suppose we shouldn’t tell them about any of the other missions either?”
End Note: Like the idea of Spec ops Wheeljack? Go check out
Allsparked Aristal by
gatekat and Karl Wolfemann with my recommendation