Mini Fic: Training

Feb 29, 2012 23:28

Title: Training
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG
Character(s): Ironhide, First Aid
Warnings: None
Summary: Next time, some other sucker can train the medic
Notes: For femme4jack, prompt: First Aid/anyone, student teaching
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here

I felt my cannons whirr in agitation as Blades ends up sprawled across the training room floor. At this rate none of them are going to learn how to defend themselves.
Not with Blades and Hot Spot charging at me without any plan, Streetwise being so cautious he might as well not bother and Groove being so tentative that the few strikes he did get through didn't register as anything other than a light tap.
And now I have my last student for the day. "Come on, I know you don't want to fight Aid, but you're going to have to learn."
The youngling didn't look happy, slowly backing away as I closed in. He yelped as I threw a light punch, slow enough that it let him dodge away from the incoming blow. I have to give him credit, he's good at avoiding getting hit.
Faster and smaller than me, he's able to avoid most things I'm throwing at him, or block them when he has too, but he hasn't made a single attack of his own, which is what I want him to do. At least until he's been upgraded to his adult frame with all it's extra plating he's a walking target.
"What the?" I reset my optics, waiting for them to focus on the three mechs leaning over me, two amused and one sheepish.
"I think you can say that First Aid passed?" Ratchet asks as he disconnects his datacable from the port in my helm as Hoist snickers.
"What happened?" I ask as they help me back to my feet. One moment I'd been trying to get him to attack me, the next I was waking up with my battle protocols suppressed and Ratchet's amusement rattling around in my helm.
All three seem to share a moment of silent communication, including First Aid who hasn't even been training with them for that long, before Ratchet just smirks. "Not a chance. How will he take you down next time if you know how he does it."

c: ironhide, c: first aid, series: oath and covenant au

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