Mini Fic: Little Details

Feb 29, 2012 20:11

Title: Little Details
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG
Character(s): Ratchet, First Aid, Hoist
Warnings: None
Summary: It's the little details that are important
Notes: For Dogstar, prompt: Ratch/Aid, little details
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here

"For the last time Ratchet. Stand still." I flared my armour when he continued fidgeting, he was worse than a sparkling. "Really, the amount of time you yelled at us to stop moving, I would have thought you could manage it."
He twisted his helm around to look over his shoulder at me. "You sat still, it was your brothers I was yelling at."
"Of course." I snorted, the sudden intake of air into my venting system making Ratchet jump and what I was trying to do gained yet another squiggle. "This is going to look like it was done by a sparkling." I finally said as I regarded the wobbly edge of the red paint.
"It's not my fault you're tickling." He replied as his leg twitched again, gaining him a red streak along his thigh plating.
And here I thought he had sworn off human terminology, because that is not something that can happen with Cybertronian anatomy. "Tickling?" I have to ask, just to clarify as I move around to try and do the front of his pelvic armour.
"Yes." He says with an air of finality as he shifts again, right as I start painting and my annoyed growl can probably be heard in medbay. Why did Sideswipe think orange paint above the medbay doors was a good idea? And why did I end up having to repaint Ratchet? My steady hands are not really all that helpful when certain mechs. Keep. Moving.
"There. Done." Or at least, as done as it's going to get while stuck in the rather cramped medbay office.
"Better than orange." He says as he stalks out. "I'll be back later, going to go disassemble Sideswipe."
I am left leaning on the office door as he stalks out, and it is the small wordless burst of amused static from Hoist that prompts me to look his way. His optics are bright with laughter as he tilts his helm at me then jerks it towards the door in a clear question.
"He wouldn't stand still." I reply to the unasked question, which only makes Hoist shake as he tries not to laugh.
"Does he realise that the edges and streaks make it look like he's been interfacing?"
The innocent rattle of my plating finally makes him lose it as he holds onto the berth for support and I can feel the same amusement bubbling up; Sideswipe may go for the outright obvious pranks, but I've always thought that it's the little details that work best.

c: hoist, c: ratchet, c: first aid, series: oath and covenant au

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